Pure ownage from the new biography section


Feb 16, 2008
I have been laughing at this for about 10 minutes...This cracked me up so hard....

`Once we had decided on which label to sign with the negotiations started and obviously we in the band are fucking bums and we don't know shit about contracts. Basically all 5 of us signed the contracts with even peeping through the pages. It could have been a gay porn movie contract for the members of Opeth for all we knew. `
Yeah when I read that little gem iced tea shot out of my nose...and I bet some people would love having a copy of that on DVD :tickled:

I can see it now..."The Reacharoundhouse Tapes". :puke:
Found another thing.Although not that funny as the first post this is hilarious :

``We´d gotten the Guitar Hero game from a friend of mine at Blizzard entertainment. I looked at those toy guitars and though, "Come on now...I'm fucking 30 years old!". Yet, I got hooked, real hooked. And Mendez got really hooked as well. We played all the time. Even right before shows, which is not recommended! As we´re blasting into the first chords of "The leper affinity" we´re like... "What buttons should I push?". It was horrible!``

Imagine this : Mikael does a solo and BAM! STAR POWER ! :D
Mike's biography stuff is fantastic. You can't help but like him. He comes off as just a super laid back, normal guy. I can identify with him about being a dad of two little girls, and I know I would be as star-struck as he has been meeting his boyhood idols: Coverdale, Dio, Sebastian Bach (man, I thought he was the shit back in the day!). I'm just so happy that Mike's not an asshole. It's always disappointing to discover that someone you admire is a dick.
Mike's biography stuff is fantastic. You can't help but like him. He comes off as just a super laid back, normal guy. I can identify with him about being a dad of two little girls, and I know I would be as star-struck as he has been meeting his boyhood idols: Coverdale, Dio, Sebastian Bach (man, I thought he was the shit back in the day!). I'm just so happy that Mike's not an asshole. It's always disappointing to discover that someone you admire is a dick.

Happy to confirm that irl ....you would not be disapointed by Mike. Frankly all the guys are super cool, laid back dudes.

Happy to confirm that irl ....you would not be disapointed by Mike. Frankly all the guys are super cool, laid back dudes.


Actually I have been very fortunate to hang out with all the guys (including Lopez) many times (even on their bus for extended periods of time) and they are seriously some of the nicest, unassuming, and chilled out dudes you could ever hope to meet and hang out with. Just music nerds and geeks who hit on something cool and became "rock stars", although not in the "mega" context of course.

You'd be surprised just how cool and "normal" they are really...
Mike's biography stuff is fantastic. You can't help but like him. He comes off as just a super laid back, normal guy. I can identify with him about being a dad of two little girls, and I know I would be as star-struck as he has been meeting his boyhood idols: Coverdale, Dio, Sebastian Bach (man, I thought he was the shit back in the day!). I'm just so happy that Mike's not an asshole. It's always disappointing to discover that someone you admire is a dick.

very nicely said soundave.
Hopefully I'll have the chance to meet at least one or two of them in NY next month. I'm willing to wait a few hours for them to come out, but I'm not sure my wife will be :p

Mike seems awesome. Somehow I don't think I'd have any trouble coming up with things to say.
Someone should post the bit from the bio-update that's about Mike pissing in a bathtub while drunk and couldn't find the toilet in the hotel (which was apparantly one door away) and finding Axe passed out in the tub the next morning...in Mike's urine!

i've been laughing at that for days now....
Mikael Akerfeldt said:
The vocals came out great I think. I had all the clean vox written in advance but wrote the screams in the studio as I came up with the lyrics there. Back home I always just improvise the lyrics and they mostly come out real crappy. Just a mish mash of everything. I remember this time around I'd nicked a line from a Rotting Christ song, "The forest of N'gai" for the demos.

Now that is surprising.
It is an ambition of mine to have a joint with Akerfeldt any Lopez.. And what i love is, i think they'd probably be up for it ahaha.. Mendez for sure.

Actually when me and my mates met the band in Dublin for the second time, Mendez was asking people for *ahem* "certain herbs". :lol: