pussy songs


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
I was at a stop light today, and a guy pulled up next to me with his window down listening to music. He had it turned up enough where everyone could hear it. This was a big guy, and by big I don't mean fat. I would describe him as a bruiser - probably late 20s early 30s. Muscle beach.

All I could think of was Jon Oliva screaming on his "Live Destruction" album about being "tired of hearing all those pussy songs". Here you have this big bruiser dude listening to this stuff and wanting everyone else to know it. Seemed sort of weird to me. Don't ask me what it was or who was singing it as I have no idea. But it really sucked. Bad.
What the guy was listening to was more like this. Seemed out of character based on his appearance. Maybe I'm just a little too old skool and expect a little bit more out of some people.

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The sad reality is that we are the weirdos that don't listen to Clear Channel testical top 40 radio,we are the weirdos who aren't brainwashed or peer pressured into liking "pussy music" that most people like.
I for one am proud of it,knowing I am not of the low information music listeners out there that actually seeks new and interesting music.

Luckily the only time I'm inflicted with aural brain damage is when I'm at shoots or on my trip/shoots or at events..in which case I have learned to block it out...
But yeah,guys listening to that stuff.....I guess its a case of social white knighting trying to impress women ...
It is what it is
The guy was probably listening to 'hey, I am insecure so I kill myself at the gym and want everybody to listen to my music, see if maybe chicks dig me this way cause, regretfully, it is all I have to offer' music!! :):);)
Years ago when I worked in Vancouver, I had a similar experience. Walking on Robson, a SUV was stuck at an intersection blasting Survivor's Eye of the Tiger. The guy in a wife beater shirt was singing along at full volume. It was unpleasant to witness.
What's wrong with "Eye Of The Tiger?" If it's good enough for Rocky Balboa, it's good enough for me.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Metal is as about as trend-oriented as anything else out there. I don't understand the critique of a mainstream "hive mind" while at the same time showing up to a metal show dressed up like everyone else in there.

So there was someone out there listening to something you thought didn't fit his image? Move on. No need to put him down for what he chooses to listen to.
The sad reality is that we are the weirdos that don't listen to Clear Channel testical top 40 radio,we are the weirdos who aren't brainwashed or peer pressured into liking "pussy music" that most people like.

Speak for yourself. :loco: Although I agree 99%

There is ONE type of Clear-Channel top 40 I do like, that is called 70's rock. While I do prefer metal, and listen to it 95% of the time, I do love bands like Boston, Kansas, ELO, BTO, classic Aerosmith, Foreignor, 38 Special, Journey, Pink Floud, The Babys......... the list can go on forever. 70s rock is special to me and I proudly love it. It ain't "pussy music" though.

I don't really get the issue. The guy listens to music on the radio, so what? Most everyone does. If he likes it, I won't force him into liking metal or something else obscure. 90% of the world is right-handed. I don't judge them for it just because I'm left-handed.
Speak for yourself. :loco: Although I agree 99%

There is ONE type of Clear-Channel top 40 I do like, that is called 70's rock. While I do prefer metal, and listen to it 95% of the time, I do love bands like Boston, Kansas, ELO, BTO, classic Aerosmith, Foreignor, 38 Special, Journey, Pink Floud, The Babys......... the list can go on forever. 70s rock is special to me and I proudly love it. It ain't "pussy music" though.


I'm going to guess the guy the OP was discussing was probably listening and singing along to "Call Me Maybe" or something and not 70s rock(and I like a lot of that stuff)
Metal is as about as trend-oriented as anything else out there. I don't understand the critique of a mainstream "hive mind" while at the same time showing up to a metal show dressed up like everyone else in there.

So there was someone out there listening to something you thought didn't fit his image? Move on. No need to put him down for what he chooses to listen to.

I don't really get the issue. The guy listens to music on the radio, so what? Most everyone does. If he likes it, I won't force him into liking metal or something else obscure. 90% of the world is right-handed. I don't judge them for it just because I'm left-handed.

These are the only two intelligent posts in this thread.

Seriously, why would metal fans, who know what it's like to be constantly judged and criticized by the mainstream-music majority, feel that it's okay to do the exact same thing to listeners of other music? Shame on the rest of you.
In this thread: assholes.

Seriously ... someone is listening to something you don't like and you feel the need to run straight to the internet? Grow the fuck up.
This whole thread:

These are the only two intelligent posts in this thread.

Seriously, why would metal fans, who know what it's like to be constantly judged and criticized by the mainstream-music majority, feel that it's okay to do the exact same thing to listeners of other music? Shame on the rest of you.

Great post. I agree 100%. I can't honestly say that I haven't thought people were shallow because they were talking about how they love such and such pop artist because he/she is sexy etc. but at the same time, most people aren't into music in the same way we are. There is nothing wrong with that, though. I am sure people that love fine art and such don't really understand why others aren't.
You simply have some people that are nice people, some that are not so nice. Some judge others by the clothes they wear, cars they drive, etc. etc. There are all types of people out there in the world, some you like and some you don't. An individual's personality isn't necessarily right, nor wrong, just individual.
In all honesty..... after writing all of this, different individuals will think differently about this reply. Some people will read this and think "nice post, I agree." Some may think "what does this guy think he is.... super smart or something ?" Some may think, "this reply is too long and I am not reading it"...... I can go on and on.
It is ok to be opinionated. If we all felt the exact same way, then this would be one boring ass world.


Sometimes I like to roll through DC blasting this. Old habit from my college years.

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