Putin should be our next president!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
This is just fucking awesome! Why can't we have politicians like this?

in Moscow
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin sparked uproar yesterday by saying Africans had a history of CANNIBALISM.

He lashed out at the continent's past after being challenged about Russia's human rights’ record.

In an astonishing outburst, Mr Putin said: "We all know that African countries used to have a tradition of eating their own adversaries.

“We don't have such a tradition or process or culture and I believe the comparison between Africa and Russia is not quite just."

Tony Blair, who had just finished talks with Mr Putin, was left squirming with embarrassment as the former KGB boss let rip.

Minutes before the outburst, Mr Blair had hailed reaching a deal with the Russian leader on aid and debt relief for Africa.

But Mr Putin’s remarks about cannibalism will be greeted with astonishment in Africa and the wider world, as he will succeed the PM as G8 president next year.

Commission for Racial Equality chief Trevor Phillips said last night: "What a preposterous thing to say. He is at best insensitive and at worst a downright racist."

Fuck off, Trevor. There's truth in the statement for at least half of the continent. Even as we speak, Pygmies in the Ituri jungle in central Africa are prized delicacies for those banana-brained African morons. For some reason, devouring a pygmie's innards is supposed to give magical powers. I guess they learned this shit from Hitlery Rodham :tickled:

In future, all wars shall be fought between Presidents or Prime Ministers, TO THE DEATH!!

Place Your bets, muthafuckas!

Vladimir "Piano Wire" Putin vs. George "Democracy or Death" W, The COLDER THAN ICE WAR, Saturday, January the 15th, at the Sky Dome!

Joerg "The Holocaust" Schroeder vs. Jacque "The Guillotin" Chirac, STEEL CAGE MATCH in a Siegfried Line bunker, September the 1st!

Robert "Africa's Hitler" Mugabe vs. Thabo "AIDS for Everbody" Mbeki, Rumble in da Jungle on the hottest night of the year!

Kim "I Got a Long Dong" Jong Il vs. Kenjiro "No Apologies for War Crimes" Koizumi, Kamikaze match at the Shinto shrine.

jdelpi said:
Tens of millions of people died under communism in the Soviet Union. Is that all Putin can do to defend his country's past?

Yeah but they were dirty ass Kazaks and Gypsies. No one will miss them.
Daisy_Cutter said:
Good one Jurched...is Putin a bad ass mothafucker as advertised ?

Fuck yeah! He is the most
lethal head of state you never wanna fuck with!

I tell ya, George W better not even test his official Skull-n-Bones hand-buzzer on Putin. The moment he gets zapped with his right hand, Vladimir will slice a lightning left hand across Dubya's windpipe, STRICTLY BY REFLEX.

Then Vladimir will have to stand to one side, arms folded, while secret service agents attempt to sooth our gasping, choking leader. Wouldn't be pretty.

:Spin: :loco: Jurched,

i did a research paper on Saddam during the Gulf War back in 1991. I found some pretty funny shit from a guy who was supposed to be one ruthless tyrant.

Apparently when he went to an Arab League meeting there was a power outage at the facility...everyone just sat calm till the lights came back on...except he was curled up in a ball underneath the table.

When your paranoia eats at you that bad at what point did you cross the line from Bad Ass Motherfucker into total complete imcompetent idiot...
Yeah, I'm sure he was sweating bullets!! Even though I'm a Pats fan
I think Kraft is an idiot!! And I hope Putin keeps the ring.

Dude, good to see that you shortened that long ass name of yours:) :D

MyHatred said:
Dude, I can't imagine how Kraft was feeling when he seen Putie put that ring in his pocket:erk: :ill: . I am sure he just let him keep it because he doesn't want the russian mafia wacking him:yow: :yow: