Putting Amplifier Cabinet in bathroom


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
Before I try this, are there are possible negative effect from placing the cab in such an enclosed space? The floor is hardwood. I'm mainly doing it because its closer to the room I have my computer for recording in. Plus, its just an extra bit of noise reduction just in case the neighbors can hear (even though I doubt it since the distance between my house and the other two is I guess is 15 feet or so). Any thought? Does it really matter?
How about if I leave the bathroom door open, or aim the speaker toward the bathroom with the door open?
one option would be to make some portable bass traps and just kind of surround the microphone creating a zone of with no reflections around the cab. this still doesn't completely solve the problem as a good room is part of what makes a good tone and your basically taking any room out of the equation however with your amp being in a bathroom that might be the lesser of the two evils
The reflections from the close reflective surfaces in the bathroom are probably going to have some serious adverse acoustical effects on the sound coming out of the cab.

The reflections from the close reflective surfaces in the bathroom are probably going to have some serious adverse acoustical effects on the sound coming out of the cab.

The reflections from the close reflective surfaces in the bathroom are probably going to have some serious adverse acoustical effects on the sound coming out of the cab.

Hell yeah. Tell him.
The reflections from the close reflective surfaces in the bathroom are probably going to have some serious adverse acoustical effects on the sound coming out of the cab.

Not once. Not twice. But thrice! :lol: (Simpsons quote).

Thanks for all the helpful info. I'll just see if I can't find some way to put to position it in the mini hallway type area between my bedroom and the bathroom.