Puzzlepirates :Kickass:

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
For those who waste their time playing crap like WoW, check out Puzzlepirates.com for an addicting as all hell, ride in to the world of the swashbuckler. 100% free MMORPGFTW action that involves solving tetris, puzzle bobble, and connect four type puzzles, all while being in an interactive world full of buccaneers, pirates, toothless wildebeasts, and damsels with wooden bosoms. :kickass:

Duel one-on-one or send yer crew to sea for huge multiplayer boarding battles! Build blocks of color and shatter them with matching breaker pieces to send an onslaught of silver swords slashing through your opponent's board! Outlast your foe and use his own attacks against him!

Every activity in Puzzle Pirates is a quick fun game, from commanding a fleet of warships, to pumping the bilge out of one! And with thousands of fellow pirates about there's always friends for a hand of cards, a friendly swordfight or a rowdy drink!
Create and customize a pirate, collect booty and join player-run crews! Everything is built on yer own personality and puzzling skills! Yadda Yadda


Playing it as we speak my good man. I've just taken a position with the crew "Heartless Hearties" There will be two options when you first join, to either join the first sea and collect booty, or join the second sea and fight in blood drenched battles. I will be in the latter, click the notice board to view available positions at sea. BRB my captain just ordered me to do a task.
Reign in Acai said:
Carbonized, what did ye think bro? I'm addicted, and to think, I thought I was done with gaming. :erk:


It's decent, but it sucks all the things aren't available and you need to subscribe to gain access to more options/content. :bah: I did play in a halloween swordfighting tournement and got my ass handed to me. I was up against someone with a high um, level? and i was whipping their ass at first then all of a sudden POW i got steamrolled. It happened that fast. I guess as you gain more expereince and the better your sword is effects what happens in those puzzle games. i was bummed because i should have won :(
So uh, do you look like a ghost too? I don't wanna look like a ghost...
You don't have to subscribe to access the other features of the game, if you get enough doubloon, you can trade it in in for a trader card and that will give you access to all the games for 30 calendar days. Its 5 doubloon to get that card. Just go on several successful voyages and you'll have the money in no time.
Oh ok, i have over 700 pieces of eight right noe, how many make up a doubloon? Also i'm not a ghost any more so yea... This game can be a bit tedious :/ But it's not like i have anything better to do.
Reign in Acai said:
628 pieces of eight is about the avg rate of currency exchange for 1 doubloon.

That's a whole lot of work. :/ I don't know that i can put that much time into this game. It's decent enough to play but it's already become a bit redundant :( If there were more variety i'd probably think more highly of it. Oh well, i'm sure i'll play every now and then.
Carbonized, I have given up on my dreams of becoming a swashbuckling captain of the seven seas. This game is just too damn time consuming. With that being said, puzzlepirates has replaced yahoo pool for the occasional time killer.

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