Quad core motherboard


May 9, 2006

My PC started giving all sorts of data corruption errors on my 4 hds at the same time (just dont ask why 4 hard disks hehe). So I narrowed the problem down to 3 parts : Power supply, memory, motherboard. Tomorrow ill be buying a new PS (currently have an AKASA one), then ill try other memory and lastly, if nothing works, i guess it is the mobo. I currently have a asus P5B premium VE, with built in firewire (TI chipset), but those arent being sold anymore in Brazil. So is there anything else you would recommend with built in firewire (TI) ?

data corruption is usually the result of viruses, registry errors or the typical bad sata cable. unless there is something catasphrophically wrong with the motherboard or ram could that happen, but you would be having other problems if not an already 100% HDD failure from such mobo defectiveness.