quad tracked mix


Oct 20, 2010
Portland Oregon
Here's part of a song I've been working on.


When I finish the song, I will post DI's and midi's for everyone to mess around with if they wish :dopey:

I'm fairly new at audio engineering so if anybody hears anything that I should change, please help me out. I just want some feedback on how its currently going.

Quad tracked 8505's with mesa and framus impulses
Bass is studio devil
Drums are Addictive Drums and Slate mix

added more click to the kick and used a different brighter snare.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/979415/Arcturus mix2.mp3
i think it sounds fairly okay, but the drums really let the whole mix down. if you remix the drums, then repost this, i think it might give everyone a better insight to the guitar tone, coz the drums are quite distracting
Sounds fairly good except for the drums, they are really flat and lifeless. I don't know if it's just in my head but the guitars seem to be out of tune on some parts?
But don't let me get you down. :D Would sound a lot better with better drums.