Question about Dark Tranquillity import CDs.


New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2003
First of all, hello to everyone as this is my first post. I read the information regarding new posters saying hello in another thread, but I figured this would be sufficient since I was posting a new thread anyway.

Does anyone know a good place online to buy DT's import CDs? There has to be a better way to buy them than to pay 35-40 bucks EACH at Amazon. I have most of the regular retail CDs, but I'm really looking to expand into the realm of rare tracks to make my collection a bit more complete.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.
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"Import" CD's are usually a rip off, and I have seen many that are bootlegs selling for $40-70 in stores... I would stay away from these, unless you trade with people from other countries...

Steve420 said:
"Import" CD's are usually a rip off, and I have seen many that are bootlegs selling for $40-70 in stores... I would stay away from these, unless you trade with people from other countries...


I appreciate the concern, and I know what you mean. I should have been more clear about what I meant. The imports I want are the various different country releases of studio albums (eg. Japan). They always have bonus tracks that aren't available on the U.S. releases. These versions are all listed on the official site in the discography. I'm not looking for crappy live CDs from a bootlegging company, as most are terrible quality.

The best way to get Japanese editions would to look on trade boards to see if anyone else has them for a reasonable trde, since there are people from around the world here... It isn't really worth $40 to get a song or two you could just download...

Steve420 said:
The best way to get Japanese editions would to look on trade boards to see if anyone else has them for a reasonable trde, since there are people from around the world here... It isn't really worth $40 to get a song or two you could just download...


Thanks for the help Steve. I appreciate it.
The best way is ask someone who happens to go to Japan to bring some booty back. The next best way is go here:
By the way, taking a crash course in Japanese is highly recommended. :D
Steve420 said:
It isn't really worth $40 to get a song or two you could just download...

Well, I recall I paid a total of 60€ for the Japanese versions of Haven and Damage Done and think that was really worth the price (thanks again Onde Erik). And I would have paid even more if necessary.

For me it seems the best way is to just keep asking them from everyone online - after some time someone will tell you that a story near him/her sells them and then you just need to arrange the trade. Too bad we don't have that many Japanese people around on this forum, though...

-Villain (back from the dead - finally)