Question about some of your mixing/mastering


Mar 3, 2010
First of all, I really loved a lot of the work you did with Nevermore(especially Dead Heart, In A Dead World) and the remix of Enemies Of Reality.

But I just have a couple of questions. I know you're against this whole Loudness War issue and that you're hoping to get a re-issue of Metallica's Death Magnetic, but why were the volume levels so high on Megadeth's Endgame and Nevermore's This Godless Endeavor? Was it pressure from the record company or were the records altered against your opinion?
Honestly Sneap albums aren't that loud compared to some of the stuff that is truly in the loudness wars game. Sneap cares enough about his productions not to have them absolutely obliterated.
I have no issue with loudness, as long as it's not a clipping piece of shit mess or pumping like fucking piston.
Nothing wrong with staying competitive :)
This Godless Endeavor is far from squashed. It's actually relatively quiet compared to most commercial rock mixes. It actually sounds better as you turn it up!

Ok I wont continue to be a smartarse. Welcome to the board mate. You'll find a subforum for asking specific questions relating to albums Andy has produced/engineered. etc. so that would be a good place for those questions. There is also a thread for asking questions directly to Andy.


For General Questions to ANDY:

Sorry about that haha but thanks for stearing me in the right direction :headbang:

Honestly Sneap albums aren't that loud compared to some of the stuff that is truly in the loudness wars game. Sneap cares enough about his productions not to have them absolutely obliterated.
I have no issue with loudness, as long as it's not a clipping piece of shit mess or pumping like fucking piston.
Nothing wrong with staying competitive :)

This Godless Endeavor is far from squashed. It's actually relatively quiet compared to most commercial rock mixes. It actually sounds better as you turn it up!

I didn't say they were too compressed. Just the volume levels were high. And yes I also agree that compared to a lot of mainstream albums, they aren't that loud compared to them. I think I should have added that to my first post.