Question about the East Coast tour...

We'll have a little over an hour worth of music to play Zod. We really dig the set we've been putting together bro and everyone is sounding strong.


ZHJ&T said:
We'll have a little over an hour worth of music to play Zod. We really dig the set we've been putting together bro and everyone is sounding strong.


Why so short? ;) I thought that it would take more time to play Towers all the way through, plus most of the original EP now known as Metamorphosis, a bunch from Specs, and even a couple from Fragile Mind!! I'm thinking more like a 2+ hour set Jasun! :lol: :lol:

I'm sure Greg would approve! :kickass:
ZHJ&T said:
We'll have a little over an hour worth of music to play Zod. We really dig the set we've been putting together bro and everyone is sounding strong.
Excellent. Going to be at both the NJ and NY show. Going to drag some non-Metal friends along with me. About time they learned what music is.:kickass:

YOU RULE ZOD and very much appreciate you getting some people to the door for us bro.

We'll see you soon bro and please come up and say hello to us bro.
