Question for Andy Sneap about the Krankenstein


New Metal Member
Feb 10, 2008
I recently picked up a kranknstein and have been playing around with various settings, but cant seem to get it just right. On your Krankenstein, what are your settings for EQ/Sweep/Presence/Gain/Volume? Do you keep anything in the FXloop? I am currently playing through a TS9 and Boss NS2 Suppressor before the amp.
One thing that you should consider is putting the NS-2 in the FX Loop and not in front of the amp.

One thing that you should consider is putting the NS-2 in the FX Loop and not in front of the amp.


Ns-2 in the loop?
neither of the Noisegates i got (ns-2, rocktron hush pedal) worked for me in the loop when playing higain sounds. Sure there was no noise...but i couldn't play a single note/chord without getting massive feedback.
Either way, where you place it won't make a difference in the overall tone of the amp, which I gather is the main issue here
for best noise reduction, use a suppressor in the loop and before the amp. takes care of feedback on notes that ring out, and that shhhhhhhh noise you get even when a gate is before the amp. tis is what you see in most pro live rigs
For best results, don't use the NS-2 like a normal pedal (in one side, out the other). You want to plug into the input, then run the pedal's send into your other pedals, then into your amp, then plug your effects loop send into the pedal's return, and then the pedal's output into your effects loop return.

This way your initial clean guitar signal controls the gate, but the actual gating takes place after all your gain stages. If you just plug it in in front of the amp, even when the pedal cuts off the silence will turn into noise when it goes through your amp's overdrive. If you just put it in the effects loop, by the time the signal hits the pedal there will be too much noise for it to work properly.

Sorry if this is totally obvious!
I recently picked up a kranknstein and have been playing around with various settings, but cant seem to get it just right. On your Krankenstein, what are your settings for EQ/Sweep/Presence/Gain/Volume? Do you keep anything in the FXloop? I am currently playing through a TS9 and Boss NS2 Suppressor before the amp.

'Andy Sneap' + 'Krank' + Search =

Fucken internet is brilliant, you should try actually using it some time.
I always felt the Krankenstein had a high buzzsaw/fizzy sound on its own and lacked some of the weight you get from other amps.

Seems to me that anyone who has used them on a recording here such as Andy or James Murphy have always blended it with another amp.

Maybe your asking too much of it and expecting it to sound like another amp.

There shouldn't be a magic setting. It should be able to do what you want it to or not.
Ns-2 in the loop?
neither of the Noisegates i got (ns-2, rocktron hush pedal) worked for me in the loop when playing higain sounds. Sure there was no noise...but i couldn't play a single note/chord without getting massive feedback.

i use the Hush pedal in the loop, and works a treat. as the additional noise i get is preamp hi gain, and isn't from the guitar, so before the amp is just useless!!
For best results, don't use the NS-2 like a normal pedal (in one side, out the other). You want to plug into the input, then run the pedal's send into your other pedals, then into your amp, then plug your effects loop send into the pedal's return, and then the pedal's output into your effects loop return.

This way your initial clean guitar signal controls the gate, but the actual gating takes place after all your gain stages. If you just plug it in in front of the amp, even when the pedal cuts off the silence will turn into noise when it goes through your amp's overdrive. If you just put it in the effects loop, by the time the signal hits the pedal there will be too much noise for it to work properly.

Sorry if this is totally obvious!

I've never heard of this type of setup. What if I run my effects through an effects loop on the amp, then how do you suggest setting it up?
Just to clarify: I've always used an NS-2, ISP Decimator or Hush in the FX Loop of any amp and gotten WAY better and desirable results than running it before the amp. Using it before the amp, you are just asking for less sustain.

As far as the Krank situation...I agree with MetalWorks. I have noticed this as well. I have been GAS'ing for a Krank Rev Jr. for a while now because I love how raw the Krank sound is, but I know just by hearing clips of the amp by itself and from me playing the Rev1 head that they are not amps that can be used on their own too well. I have honestly not heard anything that was *just* Krank and sounded great. Only ever Krank+5150 or Krank+whatever.

For best results, don't use the NS-2 like a normal pedal (in one side, out the other). You want to plug into the input, then run the pedal's send into your other pedals, then into your amp, then plug your effects loop send into the pedal's return, and then the pedal's output into your effects loop return.

This way your initial clean guitar signal controls the gate, but the actual gating takes place after all your gain stages. If you just plug it in in front of the amp, even when the pedal cuts off the silence will turn into noise when it goes through your amp's overdrive. If you just put it in the effects loop, by the time the signal hits the pedal there will be too much noise for it to work properly.

Sorry if this is totally obvious!

Wow...tried this method yesterday at rehearsal...awsome sound!!!!! I got less feedback and much more sustain because i could reduce the threshold.
Thanks to Morgan