Question for Aussies


What year is this?!?
Sep 22, 2001
Don't mean for the subject to sound exclusive, but you'll know what I mean...

In Australia, is anyone else pissed off at the lack of major television and radio stations that have dedicated metal programs. I know JJJ has three-hours of power, and RAGE has the occasional clip, but apart from that there's pretty much bugger all (unless you can afford pay TV, which I can't). I've heard about some small community stations, but I can't pick up anything apart from major stations where I live.

Also, unless you live in the city, the music shops have JACK SHIT. I usually buy online (a lot of imported stuff, which costs way too much), but I thought I'd check out the local Sanity music store to see what they had. I don't know why I bothered. Metallica, Sepultura and a few AC-DC albums was about the extent of the selection there :err:
I'm lucky that, living in Brisbane, we have JB-HiFi and Skinny's, among other places, that have a semi-decent metal section... but I agree, the TV/Radio coverage is shite. Even Pay TV (Foxtel, anyway) has a somewhat-narrow minded view of metal, tending to play the more fashionable clips (with the odd decent one;))...

Sanity Online is ok for stuff, tho -- and have you checked out
Originally posted by Mark
Sanity Online is ok for stuff, tho -- and have you checked out

Yeah, they seem to have a pretty good selection. I've mostly been buying from, there pretty good too.
...the customer order is always a positive step to ease the disappointment that is bound to come when approaching a major chain in the pursuit of a release not in the Top 40! Look after your alternative retailers and place that customer order prior to release in Australia, therefore installing faith in the retailer and the metal genre, as broad a baby as she is! I am interested in discovering your location TravestyOfMan! I would be happy to suggest a metal show on radio near you? (crazy cow country positioning permitting) Hey, how about Ultimate Metal TV! (I am not aware of many metal video clips though, are you?)
Originally posted by Jo
I am interested in discovering your location TravestyOfMan! I would be happy to suggest a metal show on radio near you? (crazy cow country positioning permitting)

I live in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria, so that probably pretty close to crazy cow country :) Nah seriously, it's not bad down here at all. Where I live I can get all the major national television netwoks and local radio stations, and I can even pick up Melbourne stations. But where is all the metal? :cry:
its really shit in England, the closest we get to any sort of Black/death/dark metal etc is cradle of filth, and thats becasue theyre british. no other metal apart from real old school (def lepard, maiden, etc on friday night rcok show) :( :cry:
Yes it does a little. But I don't really listen to the radio or watch Rage enough to get annoyed :)
There are a few metal spots on radio stations. I know we have the Hell Metal show on 4ZZZ up here. Not that I ever listen to it though ;)
I just listen to my CD's mainly.

Oh Jo guess what! I got a girly Opeth shirt!!! It's oh so lubberly :D I am very happy :D
Unfortunately, the reason behind the lack of alternative music in Australian media is because of what happened in 1993... the then Prime Minister Paul Keating signed the seats of the ARIA board away to the overseas multinationals. Ever since then, the multis have had a majority on the board, and can therefore dictate their own interests -- ever wanted to know why the same artists pick up ARIA awards every year? There you go!

Their own interests being that they push only THEIR artists, and use the money made by those sales to subsidise their artist's overseas tours (like through the US or Europe, NOT to Australia). While Sanity Records isn't on the ARIA board, they have a habit of only pushing artists on THEIR label... in other words, they don't advertise or sell anything they don't distribute themselves.

As for shops (in Syd)... Utopia, Red Eye, any 2nd hand CD shop, J&B Parramatta. Otherwise you'll find your 'big alternative' band in a multinational chain store like Kmart, or Grace Bros, or HMV or $hit like that.

Metal shows in Syd, 3hrs power (2JJJ, Tues 10pm-1am, nationwide).
These are community shows:
* 6 hrs metal (3 shows, 2SWR, 99.9FM, Thursdays 4pm-10pm)
* LOUD! (2BFM, 100.9FM, Tues 10pm-12am)
* Unearthed (2RRR, 88.5FM, dunno the day).

That's all I can think of at the moment. :)

Stay metal!
I don't really to listen to radio at all...

But, to acquire metal CD's I either put together a money order or something and call the distributor. I have done this with Modern Invasion (I haven't tried with Shock...) and all you have to pay extra for is the postage which is a couple of bucks. They charge you $26 for tha actual goods so it turns out like buying a CD from a retailer anyway.

If I am feeling lazy I will pre-order at JB Hi Fi and they are semi reliable in getting stuff in.

The hardest thing is actually getting the store attendant to write the correct album name down. :mad:
I went to pre-order the new Emporer and MDB and I had to repeat "My Dying Bride" I don't know how many times, I guess she didn't think that she had heard me right... And then when I looked at the docket the other day I had seen that she wrote "The Dread Flowers" as the album name. I guess that was my fault for not speaking clearly. :err:

It is funny seeing the look on some people's faces when you go in to order a CD:

Ummm...I'd like to order a CD....Artist name is "Emporer" and the album name is"Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise"

They look at you like you are some kind of lunatic :lol:
Originally posted by brightoffski

I went to pre-order the new Emporer and MDB and I had to repeat "My Dying Bride" I don't know how many times, I guess she didn't think that she had heard me right... And then when I looked at the docket the other day I had seen that she wrote "The Dread Flowers" as the album name.

Woah. That's what I call a major communication problem. Just pretend you're a mute next time and walk in with a pencil and notepad tied around your neck. ;)
In wollongong we have a store......"wilson music" can get all the opeth cds there......iced earth.....blind guardian......anything......they rock!!!!!
Remember when Dave McMillan use to occasionally host the 3hrs of power? Many of the bands I listen to today I first heard from him. Now they have this new guy doing it and his taste is almost as bad as Costa's :mad:
back in 98-99 when I was living in OZ I spent a few months in Melbourne.. you've got nothing to complain about mate... fucking full on at least three nights a week of killer metal radio. There is one community station Wednesdays or Tuesdays?? that starts around 10 pm and goes straight thru till about 1 or 2. First DJ is a guy named Jeff Rules, who can find hanging out at just about any metal gig in Melbourne, and the the second is done by two young guys. Sunday night (maybe the same station too) and 3 hours of power (was it Friday??) There is a killer metal shop right in downtown Melbourne too, huge import selection, averaging about $25 aud. Wish I could remeber the name of the station for you.
At least you ozzies get some metal, over in Kiwi land, we're lucky to get Limp Bizkit (and yes, I'm using the term 'lucky' Extremely loosly!!). There are all these shows that claim to play non-mainstream, but that just means dance music. :mad:
Originally posted by TravestyOfMan

Woah. That's what I call a major communication problem. Just pretend you're a mute next time and walk in with a pencil and notepad tied around your neck. ;)

Yes, I have written the name on a yellow post-it note to rectify the problem when I next go in. Hopefully the situation will improve. :err:
Originally posted by luke
There is a killer metal shop right in downtown Melbourne too, huge import selection, averaging about $25 aud. Wish I could remeber the name of the station for you.

Metal Mayhem is it? Down on Flinders Street? Yeah, that place is fucking awesome. And I have no idea about those Melbourne stations you're talking about. It'd be great if you could post some details when you remember (I'll give the radio guide a quick look as well). In the meantime I guess I'll just have to keep complaining ;)
I found the DJ'D email address in my hotmail address book. try
hope that does it for you. these programs were a good source of info on gigs around town too. I heard of lot of up and coming Aussie bands promoted on this station.