Question for people who have lived in the USA

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
USA only, no Mexicans or Canadians. Feel free to chime in if you are not USA-an. But your opinion is not relevant if you are not familiar with American culture. And contrary to popular worldly opinion, American culture is actually not what you see TV.

Of course your initial reaction to this question will be no. But please do think about it for a while before posting.

Question: would you be open to having the US government regulate the Internet?

It is an interesting question because it transcends normal Left and Right thinking. Leftists tend to like regulation while Right Wingers value "freedom" above all else. But in this case, I seriously doubt Lefties would support this kind of regulation. Some Right Wingers may like it, however, because of the security it would provide.

The last thing I want is the government to tell me what web sites I can look at.

But if the Internet stays its course, which has been a "Wild West" for the past decade, then I think there may be an even bigger risk. Newspaper/TV/Cable media has already taken a noticable decline in legitimacy. For instance, the SF Chronicle, once an honorable, trustworthy newspaper, is now basically a tabloid. You have Fox News and MSNBC, both biased.

In short, the "normal, trustworthy" news outlets are fading away. (I understand they were never trustworthy to begin with, but I fear they are much less trustworthy than before).

Furthermore, there are so many news outlets on the Internet that you cannot determine which ones are trustworthy and which ones are profit and agenda-driven. And clearly the profit and agenda-driven websites will succeed over the trustworthy ones simply because they are making money.

Regulation would allow the government to say: " is approved by the US Government." So at least you have American citizens doing the regulations. That way you would be able to preserve at least some trustworthiness the news. Otherwise we would be subject to entirely corporate driven news. Which we already are, to a certain extent. I am aware that Government regulation of the Internet would be corrupt but I believe it might be lesser of two evils.

Anyway, I think at minimum it is an interesting thought. Curious to see if any of you find it interesting as well.
It's a double-edged sword and a slippery slope at the same time.
As an American, I think we should all do what we were taught in elementary school: "JUST SAY NO".


-North American-

What you might think of Americans from what you see on TV is probably not far from accurate. Most people in this country are morons, media junkies, trend followers, and just all around mindless drones with their noses buried deep in the latest celebrity gossip. The men watch sports and dress like high school jocks, the women mirror whatever the latest fad magazine tells them to be, covered in 10 layers of make-up. This is the majority here in the North anyway.

I personally don't agree with censorship of any kind. At least if you're handed a bunch of different accounts of the truth, you can decide which to believe. Taking away that option leaves the truth in the hands of one, whether its true or not, we'd have to believe it. Fuck that.

Americans are an easily swayed lot. Freedom or slavery depends on how much influence the advocator of either side has. Democracy is funny like that.
I personally don't agree with censorship of any kind. At least if you're handed a bunch of different accounts of the truth, you can decide which to believe. Taking away that option leaves the truth in the hands of one, whether its true or not, we'd have to believe it. Fuck that.

Censorship is only one potential manifestation of regulation of the internet, but I assume from your statement that you believe the current intervention into child pornography, phishing, and other criminal activities are an affront to our rights.
The truth is the internet is already regulated (or attempts are made anyway) to enforce existing offline laws pertaining to intelectual property, grifting, gambling, pornography, soliciting sex from children and computer crimes.
I think some level of additional legislation is necessary to canonize our rights and limitations. As it stands now we are all at the mercy of corporate ISP's who determine where the lines are drawn and what if any privacy exists.
Censorship is only one potential manifestation of regulation of the internet, but I assume from your statement that you believe the current intervention into child pornography, phishing, and other criminal activities are an affront to our rights.
The truth is the internet is already regulated (or attempts are made anyway) to enforce existing offline laws pertaining to intelectual property, grifting, gambling, pornography, soliciting sex from children and computer crimes.
I think some level of additional legislation is necessary to canonize our rights and limitations. As it stands now we are all at the mercy of corporate ISP's who determine where the lines are drawn and what if any privacy exists.

I think the kind of filtering you're talking about can be done without being government regulated. Internet regulation may not be perfect as it stands, but neither is the law. People who steal intellectual property shouldn't be jailed, they should be required to pay back all the money they stole. Pedophiles shouldn't be jailed, they should be executed. All I have is my humble opinion. Whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen with or without my approval.
No way. The reason the internet was amazing in the first place was lack of regulation.

The only news I believe is what I see/hear myself, all else is taken with a grain of salt.

The trend of OH GOD WE GOTTA BE FIRST TO REPORTT THIS fuckings sucks. The local news does it. They'll break a story without having the proper details, then update it the next day. It's disrespectful to journalism, but nobody fucking cares. Misinformation is far worse than no information and it's up to the people to hold news sources accountable, but quite frankly PORN is far more relevant to the people's interests.

I know there's been talk of some in the US wanting to regulate the internet in the US. But I also recall hearing something about the UN wanting to regulate it worldwide and the US opposing that. Not sure if that's from a reliable source or not, or even still current...
-North American-

What you might think of Americans from what you see on TV is probably not far from accurate. Most people in this country are morons, media junkies, trend followers, and just all around mindless drones with their noses buried deep in the latest celebrity gossip. The men watch sports and dress like high school jocks, the women mirror whatever the latest fad magazine tells them to be, covered in 10 layers of make-up. This is the majority here in the North anyway.

I have to disagree on just about everything in this when you use words like "most" and "majority"

there is plenty of all that .. and there is plenty the exact opposite.

as to the OP question .... no

and for the record, I'm pretty much right down the middle in terms of liberal / conservative
I have to disagree on just about everything in this when you use words like "most" and "majority"

there is plenty of all that .. and there is plenty the exact opposite.

as to the OP question .... no

and for the record, I'm pretty much right down the middle in terms of liberal / conservative

Well, maybe things are pleasantly different in Philly, but here in NYC its like living in the twilight zone, where all the girls are Barbie and all the guys are Ken. Maybe I shouldn't have included the entirety of North America in my description. My world is small.
*Non-yank obviously*

Seems to me dilution of the press everywhere and the publication of more extremist points of view is to do with the fact that scaremongering requires intensification due to the nondiscriminatory aspect of the web cultivating more socially diverse viewpoints for the mainstream public to digest irregardless of monetary interests that are so intensely present within traditional journalistic frameworks; TV, Newspapers and other media are corrupted by the inherent social or economic interests of those that are invested in them, thats just the way corporatism works. As such I can only see this area of our technologically developed culture to be a good thing because it reveals the wolves in sheeps clothing for what they are whilst providing pure information in a way that can be disseminated and reassembled by the individuals themselves and not force fed at the mandate of someone else. The intrinsic difference is the aspect of choice - some people will always move towards cultivating interests in certain political nametags but with the internet agendas can be purchased less easily.
If that regulation involves making sure ISPs aren't sharing my information, restricting my access to legal sites out of profit motives, or throttling my connection/generally only offering shit prices for worse service while colluding with other ISPs to keep prices high, then by all means yes.
If that regulation involves making sure ISPs aren't sharing my information, restricting my access to legal sites out of profit motives, or throttling my connection/generally only offering shit prices for worse service while colluding with other ISPs to keep prices high, then by all means yes.

haha yeah good point. isps and wireless carriers are out of control.
If that regulation involves making sure ISPs aren't sharing my information, restricting my access to legal sites out of profit motives, or throttling my connection/generally only offering shit prices for worse service while colluding with other ISPs to keep prices high, then by all means yes.

Yeah, that was part of my point too. Right now corporate interests are the soul determinants for how/when/why/what of our browsing is released and who it's released to. The argument from the right would be that the market would put companies out of biz except the market is rife with monopolies and collusion so that is an impossibility.