Question for Steve about Suicide Shift

Not that I know of. Right now we're viewing it as strictly a side project, as in a recording project. With all the activity around Sadus and Testament, there's not really time to think about that. But I don't want to close all the doors on any possiblities, I mean after the album comes could really change things from where they are now at this point. But for now, it's just mainly a chance to try out different ideas with guys we're already used to jamming with without risking the foundation of the "main" bands from where we all come from.
One more question about SS Steve. I read that u're planning to pick a Haunted drummer for a SS drummer. If he won't be able to do it, then who else do u have in mind?
He's a genius, I mean I love his sound and his feeling, he creates unique stuff...

Also he has lot of ideas...just consider different stufff like the solos from Words of war and the solo from In the end...

man, he's great...

hi DARREN u kill!!!