Question for Steve Smyth

Hey midlife, and thanks for your interest. As far as the Esseness Project goes, it's in demo stages right now, and I'm working on things on my end whenever I can, but Testament and Dragonlord take priority, so I'm gonna have to say early 2003 at the earliest.
But who knows, we may be able to get the basics done by the end of the year. Just depends on the schedule, and that's why I've not talked about it for a while, as we have gotten busy with Testament, and Dragonlord as well. But the songs are there, and when we can, we'll get it out there!:headbang:
Hey midlife, and thanks for your interest. As far as the Esseness Project goes, it's in demo stages right now, and I'm working on things on my end whenever I can, but Testament and Dragonlord take priority, so I'm gonna have to say early 2003 at the earliest.
But who knows, we may be able to get the basics done by the end of the year. Just depends on the schedule, and that's why I've not talked about it for a while, as we have gotten busy with Testament, and Dragonlord as well. But the songs are there, and when we can, we'll get it out there!

Hey Steve,

I always love to take an interest in INSTRUMENTAL METAL projects/bands . :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: I will definitelly be looking forward to it then. Is it gonna come out on Spitfire Records?
Is Esseness Project gonna have just u on the guitar or u'll pick a 2nd guitar player? Also, who do u have in mind for drummer in EP?
Midlife, to answer your question, no, this will be an independent release, and the musical style a little more "fusion" like, but with a heavy element throughout. We are not going to shop the record by any means right out the gate....
Originally posted by Steve Smyth
Midlife, to answer your question, no, this will be an independent release, and the musical style a little more "fusion" like, but with a heavy element throughout. We are not going to shop the record by any means right out the gate....

that's cool Steve. I'm def gonna look forward to it. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: