Question for the bass players..


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I know there are a few of you here.......

Any of you familiar with the brand TUNE?

I have never seen or heard of this brand before.

I walked into SAM ASH today, and laid my eyes on a beautiful 5 string.
At first, I thought it was a BC Rich (Sort of looks like the Tom Araya model).

I grabbed it and noticed the price, only $269!!!!!!!!!!

I plugged it in and was blown away.
VERY comfortable neck for a 5 string.
Sounded great!!!

Anyone know anything about this?
Is it maybe built with cheap wood overseas or something which keeps the price down?
Never heard of that brand name before. You should check out a Cort Curbow 5 string, it's a great sounding and really affordable 5 string. I think I bought mine for like $450. Here's a pic, I have a black one though it's pimp.

Nope...never heard of it.

Although it might feel good & it may be cheaper because it may be an up & coming brand, don't dismiss the price altogether. Chances are that the wood is crap, which may warp quicker, and the electronics may also be sub-par.

Then again, for $269, does it really matter that much if you at least enjoy playing it for as long as it lasts? ;)

For me, my bass of choice is Carvin, and has been for a while now. Tried quite a few different basses at NAMM, and always came back to the Carvin as my fav. Also, without a doubt, the best bass for the $$$...twice the bass for half the price...due to no dealers. They're strictly mail-order (all custom too!) or sold at the few Carvin stores in California.

Took a risk buying my first without playing it first, but sure glad I did. :kickass:
Thanks for the input guys....

Many moons ago, I used to play an Ibanez Soundgear 5 String.
The neck was a nightmare! You needed Andre The Giant hands to play that dude...

I shortly after got a 4 string soundgear that I loved.

After that, I switched to a Ric (Which is no longer with me, VERY long story)..

Then, I purchased a Fender American Standard P Bass, for no reason other than I felt I almost had to, as a bass player.
As much as I liked playing it, I never felt the quality matched its price.

Currently, I have another 4 string Soundgear, which I like, though doesn't really match the style I am currently playing, which is more of a traditional doom type of thing...