question for the decent guitars


Guitar God
Aug 28, 2004
what kind of action do u have set on your guitars, i think i want lower action on my RR3, i'd say it was low already, its the same as when i bought it, i think i want it lower though
Mine is pretty low. If i had it much lower it would buzz, so it is just right. I pretty much just keep my FR the same height as the body
As low as I can without any fret buzz is how I set up my guitars, I love it this way, the downside is I can't really play other peoples guitars since they always have higher action than me so it's a hassle.
yea you want ot go low. The problem is when it is high, when you are playing the high frets it is hard as shit. When you press on down the next string up is wasy above so switching strings up high is hard.
Conti said:
yea you want ot go low. The problem is when it is high, when you are playing the high frets it is hard as shit. When you press on down the next string up is wasy above so switching strings up high is hard.

thats more or less exactly why i want to lower the action
Yeah, as low as you can get without buzzing is a good idea. There are no real benifits to having it higher. Hopefully your neck is straight and it will be even over the whole neck.
the rr3 has a tonepro birdge right? well that is easy, you need like a flat tip screwdriver, that is all. you want to lower it so there is no fret buzz and that it is an even height across the fret board.
The Soulforged said:
the rr3 has a tonepro birdge right? well that is easy, you need like a flat tip screwdriver, that is all. you want to lower it so there is no fret buzz and that it is an even height across the fret board.

Actually for me I find it more difficult to adjust string action on guitars with tune o matic type bridges because the action always seems to be higher on the upper frets than the lower for some reasons, I messed around with my friends Schecter avenger and his LTD MH and both had set bridges and the action is always uneven, maybe that was just me not having enough time to mess with them but with all my guitars (floating trem equippped) I have had my action very low and extremely even with virtually no fret buzz at all, even though it takes a bit longer to calibrate action on a floating trem.
yea, thats for smaller adjustments. If it is really far off, like if you changed your string guage your gonna have to use the screws of the back of your guitar.