Question getting tickets for Dec 10 show in Concord


Your hippie fan
Sep 26, 2004
Sacramento, CA
I called the Bourban Street Bar & Grill and asked how to get tickets and they said to go to There's nothing coming up for the girls :( What's the deal? Do we just get tix at the door? We will be driving from Sacramento and I don't want to get shut out. Any info would be appreciated if you guys know anything about it. Can't wait for the gig! :hotjump:
Just called the Bourbon Street Bar and they said you can get them at the door.

It might be fun to see fellow board members there.

Look for a dude with a shaved head and Brave New World t-shirt and thats me.
Hope you all have fun.I got my own gig at the Pound I booked wich The Maidens were supposed to headline but the promoter at Borbon street stole them in a sneaky way.NOT the girls' fault & I'm sad to say Bourbon street has doen a shit job promoting the gig.They finally put it in their weekly ad in this week's paper ijust hope my show & their show goes well so good luck!