question: Improving crash cymbals attack on overhead mics


New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2007
Anyone has a tip for improving the crash cymbal attack on oh mics?
In my recording, the crashs seem to be "exploding" a little after the drums bass or snare. I need more power on them. :kickass:

One more extra doubt (that's easier): Do you use to add some reverb effect on the oh mics?

Try compressing it, be sure that your attack time makes the whole thing more punchy and not the other way around. Also, you should try some side-chaining using you BD as key input. And maybe next time use diferent cymbals and maybe heavier drum sticks.
Thanks, I'll try it.

I already had put compression before, but I think I can manage it better.

remember that too fast of an attack with the compressor will KILL your transients!

transients = punch

slow attack por vida!
I'd start with eq before you go messing with the dynamics. Whack some 2k, I mean slam it like 8 db till your hearing a shitload of that crash in your brain let alone your eardrum. Then back it down a bit, referencing with the rest of the mix. If you need to, throw a compressor after that eq whack and squish it with a mediumish attack and medium release which will smooth it a bit because after a huge eq whack it'll need it. Let me know how that works.
I'd start with eq before you go messing with the dynamics. Whack some 2k, I mean slam it like 8 db till your hearing a shitload of that crash in your brain let alone your eardrum. Then back it down a bit, referencing with the rest of the mix. If you need to, throw a compressor after that eq whack and squish it with a mediumish attack and medium release which will smooth it a bit because after a huge eq whack it'll need it. Let me know how that works.

very insteresting idea, Slate. Thanks!
I'll try it later, and tell you all.