Question... or confusion?

Vylance X

The 9th Prophet
Sep 15, 2001
NE Ohio
Why does the word invisible always get underlined and linked? :confused:


For everything that happens, people try to blame some kind of (negative) medium. For example, a young girl was raped and murdered by 3 kids. The parents of the victim sued (or tried to rather) Slayer for 'influencing' the miscreants' act. The kids wanted to (if in fact they WERE doing it for Slayer) sacrifice a virgin... raping her prior to murdering her would just kill the whole ordeal, am I right?

Next point: People are always quick to blame metal because it's "satanic" and "evil" and has "hidden backwards messages". Counterpoint #1: Not all metal is satanic. Counterpoint #2: Not all metal is evil. Counterpoint #3: If someone is that intelligent to decipher what is being said backwards, they wouldn't be killing people because some stupid song tells them to. Why don't people ever look to the "gangster rap" lyrics and blame them? Talking about shooting someone because they "fuked yo bitch" or a "drug deal gone wrong, yo!" is a little more straight forward than "sacrifice the blonde haired blue eyed virgin bourn on the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th hour during a full moon" or "kill! kill! kill!". It's unrealistic.

It's all because of Christianity. Rappers are Christians, so they get a very good majority of blame taken off their shoulders. Metallers on the other hand don't attend church every week. Boo hoo!

You can say, "But all rap isn't about killing and murder". But on that same point, all metal isn't about killing babies and eating the rancid entrails of a rotting virgin's carcass.

If I have proven a point, then good. If not, you've just wasted your time as well as mine. Thank you.
all metal isn't about killing babies and eating the rancid entrails of a rotting virgin's carcass.


You mean that THERE IS actually a band that sings about that!!!???
Originally posted by Trapped


You mean that THERE IS actually a band that sings about that!!!???
i killed your baby today,
so fucking what... but that is not metal!!!

today... *growls whooaaaahhhh*
tada tada
i ate ...*growls yeeeeeeeaaaahhhh*
tada tada
a drum break, and a thrash speed riffing
today, i ate the rancid entrails,
oooooooooooffffffff aaaaaaaaaaa
rotting virgin's caaaaaarrrrca*yells with evil high piched vox*aaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss.:devil:
Metal seems to always get the blame. Good points Vylance X. There is just as much, or even more talk about, "beer drinking, hell raising, wife beatin', husband cheatin" in country music than there ever is in metal. Also what about the "pot smoking, drug dealing, smack that bitch/ho, pop a cap in dey ass" crap in rap music. But still, metal gets the blame. Here's a novel idea, maybe kids that kill or shoot guns in school have a bad home life or are picked on? Nah, that can't be right, it must be that evil "HEAVY METAL".
I've never quite understood why metal gets a flogging.

I'm in a metal band, I've got long hair, I've got peircings, I wear black clothes and heavy-metal shirts... Yet i go outside and feed my dog every night just like everyone else...

...And personally, I think satanism is WORSE than christianity, so everyone that tries to spit that old line at me about metal can go fuck MSC's pet rabbit...

"I am just a human Being"
Whoever fights monsters
Should see to it that
In the process he does not
Become a monster.
And when you look long into
The abyss, the abyss also looks
Into you

...Should 'they' not all live their lives with this in mind?
Originally posted by Trapped


You mean that THERE IS actually a band that sings about that!!!???

Yeah, Cannibal Corpse and any other of the thousands of death metal bands who write songs about gore and rape, amoung other things..

It sucks when people judge metal by only a fraction of the bands. Just because their are a few bands who are not creative enough to write good, meaningful lyrics, dosn't mean all metal is like that.
Yeah, i know man, i just ignore them. The sad thing is, there's some really good music out there, but with terrible lyrics (like SCREAM BLOODY GORE)...

I don't a bit of corpse every now and again:

There is a very good thing about these lyrics.
The look on their faces when you read/explain the lyrics to unsuspicious innocent ppl, who just wondered what you are growling.
Esp. when at work!!!:devil:
hehe - metalized you spoke on my behalf :)
Its really amazing when ppl realize that lotsa these ugly heavvy loud eeekkyy sound has rather divine lyrics full of deep thoughts about life, love, friendship and so on hehehe
hehe. u know what i mean!

there is the case of course that you read them the nasty lyrics like:
"He calls my name, and waves me on.
The fallen one he stands in flames"
"Kill with power, die, die"
"Lucifer angel of llight
Cast bellow god of ice
Rule in hell unholly trinity
The traitors freeze for all eternity"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is really funny!!!!!muahahahahaha
and sometimes are really funny...

Frigthened by your own smell
Bitternes will run you through

... :lol: :lol: :lol:
they come at night and they infiltrate you
they paralyse and they mentally rape you
expressionless they dissentigrate you
they probe your soul and they exclamate you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :tickled: :tickled:

sing them that and watch them pass out!

:lol: :tickled: