Question regarding "Metamorphosis"

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I was under the impression that this CD was NOT remastered. However, many reviews, including those linked to the ZH web site, seem to suggest otherwise. Can anyone authoratatively clear this up? Thanks.

The only thing that was different, it was ran through the DAT to a CDR!!! Which is better because the master we had when we pressed it was a 1630. The old mastering style you can say. 1630's are no longer used in mastering at all. So they kept saying you'll hear a difference but That doesn't mean it was remastered. I hope that helps, alot people say it sounds clearer and I would have to agree. Now if the reviewer hear a difference then I guess he'll state that. If you're asking if we ever told them it was remastered the answer would be no.

Hope that helps.

Plain and simple the album was not remastered and has not (and will not) be represented as being so. George Horn did a great job just a few years ago and while technology is changing rapidly we collectively didn't think it would have made much of a difference. We did ask Matt Murman at SAE to match Mr. Horn's work as best he could when it came to mastering the 4 bonus tracks.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge/Sensory