Hello Babe!
It's me, Jessica and I wrote you a mail some time ago but you didn't reply to it. Maybe you didn't get it so I post it here again. I have a lot of questions to you after I read many messages of you in the Children Of Bodom board at Ultimate Metal. I looked up every thread you started and really began to ask myself if you have problems.
What reason do you actually have to be so "fucking pissed off" if I may ask?? You have absolutely nothing to complain! You live in a very rich and well country and you also have a job where you earn your money. You're pissed at this job? Then quit it! Many other people don't have a job and could need yours.
You're pissed that
- it's hot http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96203
- it doesn't snow http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=117991
- your colleagues on work listen to radio http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=97463
- you had to go to the dentist http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96372
- you can't go to some Oktoberfest http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=112424
- and that you're so alone and lonely in the internet http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99795
I tell you one thing: Do you know how many people have REAL problems? In other countries of this world there are MILLIONS of people which have problems like they don't know where to get something to eat each day and where to sleep. People have to fear that war can break out all the time and loose their families, homes and lives. They were happy if they had a dentist and never even heard a radio. I really wish you could talk to this people and tell them of your so called "problems". How would they react?
Is it just that you want attention because nobody listens to you in your real life?
Why do you tell these other unknown people in that forum these "problems"? It seems that you have nobody who listens to you in real live and that's why you have to discuss this stuff in the internet. What would you have done when you hadn't discovered this board with its oh so nice people? The idea of this board is to discuss about band-related things or do you think they band pays for this board that you can talk about how much your day sucked?
To make it clear: I am NOT offending you in any way. It's just the fact that I don't understand you. What I tried to do with this mail was to give you my opinion about the things and NOT to piss you off more. You have the chance now to explain yourself now. I'm really looking forward to it and offer you my help!

It's me, Jessica and I wrote you a mail some time ago but you didn't reply to it. Maybe you didn't get it so I post it here again. I have a lot of questions to you after I read many messages of you in the Children Of Bodom board at Ultimate Metal. I looked up every thread you started and really began to ask myself if you have problems.
What reason do you actually have to be so "fucking pissed off" if I may ask?? You have absolutely nothing to complain! You live in a very rich and well country and you also have a job where you earn your money. You're pissed at this job? Then quit it! Many other people don't have a job and could need yours.
You're pissed that
- it's hot http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96203
- it doesn't snow http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=117991
- your colleagues on work listen to radio http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=97463
- you had to go to the dentist http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96372
- you can't go to some Oktoberfest http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=112424
- and that you're so alone and lonely in the internet http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99795
I tell you one thing: Do you know how many people have REAL problems? In other countries of this world there are MILLIONS of people which have problems like they don't know where to get something to eat each day and where to sleep. People have to fear that war can break out all the time and loose their families, homes and lives. They were happy if they had a dentist and never even heard a radio. I really wish you could talk to this people and tell them of your so called "problems". How would they react?
Is it just that you want attention because nobody listens to you in your real life?
Why do you tell these other unknown people in that forum these "problems"? It seems that you have nobody who listens to you in real live and that's why you have to discuss this stuff in the internet. What would you have done when you hadn't discovered this board with its oh so nice people? The idea of this board is to discuss about band-related things or do you think they band pays for this board that you can talk about how much your day sucked?
To make it clear: I am NOT offending you in any way. It's just the fact that I don't understand you. What I tried to do with this mail was to give you my opinion about the things and NOT to piss you off more. You have the chance now to explain yourself now. I'm really looking forward to it and offer you my help!