Question to Lady of the Oracle (IMMEDIATE RESPONSE NEEDED)


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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Im going to the SymphonytX show tomorrow (Monday Nov. 17) @ Toad's Place. I talked to the venue, we're on the guestlist, and the guy said we could catch the soundcheck for the band. My question is - what time is the soundcheck? I called Friday - he didnt have an itenerary present , and I figured you would know. Also - when would be a good time to meet the guys? Before or After soundcheck? Candlelight Fantasia?? PLEASE?

Thank you in advance for the soundcheck times - if you have them!
The soundcheck time depends on the venue, they'd be the ones who'd know, as it varies depending on the start time, how many openers, could be anytime between 2-5pm I'd wager, though. I'd try & approach them after soundcheck, too..beforehand, they're trying to concentrate on getting the soundcheck done.