
Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
Ok, how come whenever you go out in public and meet somebody else who enjoys heavy metal, they're either like "Wooooo Hatebreed and Cannibal Corpse are the awesomest!!!1111!one!!!shifteleven!!11!" or else they like good music but they're the biggest dork you've ever met?

The two things i'm guessing:
1. Most people that like good music and don't suck generally don't run up to the guy in the metal shirt trying to sleep on the bus and start babbling about music.
2. Retarded people like hatebreed.

or is that just vancouver?
The most I ever say, unless I'm at a concert where I know there are actual fans, is "Nice shirt," if I see someone wearing the shirt of a band I like.
I usually say nothing... any more than I'd say anything to anyone I saw who was wearing a shirt I liked. I'm kinda shy like that though, if they talk to me I'll talk back and stuff... met some cool people like that!
Demilich said:
I usually say nothing... any more than I'd say anything to anyone I saw who was wearing a shirt I liked. I'm kinda shy like that though, if they talk to me I'll talk back and stuff... met some cool people like that!

Yeah, thats a lot like me actually. I don't usually start conversations with people I don't know. I occasionally toss out a "smile and nod" kinda deal.

For some reason the metalheads you met in the bar that places like dance music and pop rock (who are there with friends or cause it's the cheapest bar ever!!!!) are the coolest ones you meet. I've had more random peope buy me shooters than I can count. (maybe cause I was too drunk? haha! :kickass:)
I literally don't know one single person who listens anything even remotely "metal". I once saw a guy wearing an old Opeth shirt while I was riding my bike through a college campus but that's it. I'm on my own. Be glad your coworkers aren't saying shit like, "Hey, my kids listen to a band called Good Charlotte or something like that. Ever heard of 'em?"
one of the guys who worked for one of the bread companies at the grocery store i work at used to bring in St Anger when we worked nights and make us play it, probably 'cause the other guy looked like a goth, and goths are the same as metalheads right? [/sarcasm]
I know just what you mean. People that like the bands i like and come up to me when im wanderin around are people I would never want to chill with. They know all sorts about metal, but there stinky and don't like to the "lifestyle" of metal. (lets not get into a huge discussion about THAT, as im sure you know at least what I'm trying to imply when I say metal lifestyle).
Demilich said:
one of the guys who worked for one of the bread companies at the grocery store i work at used to bring in St Anger when we worked nights and make us play it, probably 'cause the other guy looked like a goth, and goths are the same as metalheads right? [/sarcasm]

1. St. Anger blows
2. Goths are worse than St. Anger
3. That guy is worse than goths.
4. Studying for a UNIX midterm is worse than that guy. (What i'm currently supposed to be doing).
sadly, I have no choice. It's part of the program I'm taking :(

I'm taking this program simply cause I need some form of post secondary education to go with my CCNP. I've got a few friends who've got me a job lined up for when I finish this program at the end of next year.
Whoa I remember UNIX. I used them shitz in my failed days as a computer science major. Haven't seen stress levels that high since, and that was 8 years ago . . . holy fuck I'm getting old.
yeah, this is just a basic introductory course in UNIX. The two second year options are NST(Network Systems Technician) and IST(Internet Systems Technician).

NST is all about network administration (windows). IST is all about writing software and webpages to do shit. And using unix servers. I'm taking NST since it's got a CCNP program built into it.

CCNP = Cisco Certified Networking Professional