Questions regarding the new site!


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2006

Just a short question: can you please test two things (for now):

Weblayout switcher (Pick Layout)

Ah, ok! Found an error right now and fixed it.
Is the guestbook working?

Thanks again!

Switcher works great, both designs look really cool

Maybe i was putting the word in wrong somehow on the guestbook?? .... I couldnt get it to work for me anyway.

Tried again (3 times now) not sure its working, cant see my entry!
just sent you email regarding inner sanctum lyrics hope link worked still good job robsaxon
@robsaxon: Thanks for the info, we will post the lyrics ASAP, but I have to ask if I'm allowed to (but I think so :)
Nice one midnightrider! Lots of positive reponses to the article as well !! :kickass:
@SaxonWeb ..What the lyrics concerns .. can all the song-lyrics be put on the website, so songs like "reeperbahnstomp" too ??
And who are you? (I ask what others only dare to think..,ghe,ghe)You are the same one as on the previous board? If not I want to thank the previous one (Vince!!) for the good work he did during the years..If yes keep up the good work..
Maybe some personal stuff like ( in interviews in which the boardmembers ask the questions and not the journalists- let us make a questionlist(?)), what kind of hobbies do the musicians have? Or what do they do to stay fitt with all these concerts and hard work? Do they do sports or what is there favorite drink or food? When they are on the road, is there a personal doctor who travels with them in case of illness?