Quick mix - how can I improve it?

Liking this. Guitars are a little fizzy for my taste, I'd back off the gain just a tad and bring the bass up a little more. I'm assuming SD2.0 for the drums?
Yeah I usually like fizzy guitars but I don't like these ones tbh. They sound boxy (don't really know how they sound but I'm not digging them!) That's why I wanted to have some opinion. What you hear is Mesa Recto / Engl V30 cab / single 57 and even if the Mesa has very old tubes, I think they could easily sound better. I EQ'd them a lot so something goes wrong somewhere. I'm gonna reamp using different amps.
I'm happy with the drums. They're almost all natural (kick 60% replaced and snare 80% replaced). What about the bass?
I like the snare :)
The guitars definitively need work. You meant not enough bass guitar?
I don't think it's dry tbh but I will check it out tomorrow with fresh ears.
Your words are a true revolution to me :)
Thanks but this thread is dead as I wanted to have opinion on the direction I was taking much more than anything else.

PS - you still can check out this thread tho