Quick mix

is there a bass? i don't hear one, but it seems like if it was there (or louder) and boosting around the 200 hz range on the guitars might have a bit more body to it, but really sounds nice dude
Yeah, there's bass. I did this around midnight last night and really quick. Listening now, fully awake, I can hear the lack of bass.
*UPDATE* https://soundcloud.com/trent-wallywooten/test-mixy-mix did more mixing. Thickened the guitar tone up. Also, cut all of the annoying breaths out of the vocals and lined up the harmonies a little more. Forgot to put the chants in last time I exported, now they're there. And I cut a little more of the lows in the cleans. I think it sounds better.
Okay, what would you suggest I do to fill it out? I'm still more or less in the learning process of mixing and such.
I would look at re shaping some of your instruments, then look at you mastering / master track treatment. Use an analyser if you get stuck