Quick mix

Okay mix, but it's quite harsh. Stuff around 4k is nasty in general. I like the guitar tone though.
I like the composition and the guitar tone. Kick sounds nice to me.

The snare needs more volume and only then you will notice what you need to improve about its tone, cause now it's just too off the song.

The harshness is a problem as said before. I think it's a problem with the combo of cymbals+guitars. Try to reduce a good amount around 4k. Maybe you dont need to reduce harshness off the whole mix. Try cymbals, then try guitars, then try both...
The snare is by far the weakest point of the mix IMO. It has no body. I just hear a harsh snap.
yeah I really have trouble with snare sounds. I can't really get in my head what a good snare should sound like. I hear them in mixed but I can't really solo them out and say damn that sounds good or "that'll work for this kind of sound". I have sd2 and ssd any recommendations on where to start?

Thanks for the suggestions so far dudes.
Drop the volume from the guitars at least a dB or two, then the drums and bass will cut through much better, and the mix will be clearer, I agree about the 4 kHz harshness in the guitars, there is a bit too much treble in the guitars that causes that. Do those fixes and the mix will sound much better, it's not bad though.