Quite possibly the coolest thing ive ever seen....


Jul 14, 2003
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I dont have a link to it or anything but anyone who watched the National News with Dan Rather had to see it....basically, it was this guy in Spain who had held up a bank or some shit and demanded a motorcycle so he could get away. Well, they gave him the cycle and he told them something about having a hand grenade prior to driving off, presumably free. Well, Spain is apparently fed up with peoples shit after the whole train/terrorism thing, the video continues to show the guy driving down the street when out of nowhere comes an unmarked police car and all hell proceeds to break loose. This guy hits this car at a high rate of speed,breaking the cycle into a thousand pieces, does two complete flips, feet over head, and smacks the fucking pavement where he is promptly taken into custody. Wonder why he didnt run?......I will hook you up with a link if I can find one, its definitely the best shit ive seen in a while.
YES! Thank you, I've been looking for a clip of that after I watched it on the news. He may not be a criminal genius but he'll make someone a damn fine avatar.
jdelpi said:
If this happened in America, morons would be claiming his civil rights were violated. The ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union) and Amnesty International would appear on talk shows defending him. Good for Spain.
I'm with you on this one. I think the ACLU is sometimes very right, but criminal rights is bullshit! You hit a cop in the face, or steal a vehicle, or shoot at someone, then whatever...you should be beaten silly and thrown in the slammer. Particularly when you DID IT!!! There were 100 witnesses and it's on video!!!!!!
Ragamuffin said:
I wish this had happened in America. Things like this need to happen in America more often.
Whenever I watch those "Scary Police Chases" on Fox, I think 'Why don't they just pull up along side his car, and shoot the fucker in the face???? That'll stop him!!!!!!!!'
that was awesome. Ever watch maximum X? man that show is awesome. It's real TV times ten!!!

last show i watched was rescue videos and this guy in asia kidnapped a couple at gunpoint as hostages and had a hand grenade threatening to pull the pin if they got to close. He wanted a truck and a gun so they bargained that he could have the truck if he let one go and they'd talk about the gun. so he gets his truck and lets the guy go and they bring a gun to him and hand it to him but the cop doesn't let go at first. and they grab him and pull the girl out. in the meantime he pulls the pin and doesn't get out of the truck. BOOM! that fuckers dead. that was some crazy shit... maybe i can find a link