Quorthorns dead...

Torquemada said:
It`s official, www.bathory.se.

R.I.P. Quorthon

Man...I did not really know that dude....never really listened to Bathory....but when I got to their site and saw 'In memory of Ace/Quorthon' and saw the lyrics...and heard the song and read the lyrics at the same time...I kinda shed a tear....so sad :(

R.I.P. Quorthon
Ah man...First Ray Charles and now Quorthon? :cry:

Best thing I ever read about Quorthon was when Creem magazine did some special on Thrash Metal many years ago, they said that Quorthon was the only artist to "out-Venom Venom." :)

Being a huge Venom fan, then and now, I still think that it holds true. :rock:

Fare thee well, Quorthon. You shall be missed.