Quote of the Day regarding MY hometown!!

but when it's cold, its fucking COLD. personally, I feel "global warming" is bullshit.

Then maybe you need to educate on the subject. ;)

The facts are there, and no scientist disputes it. It's the politicians who don't want to spend money on it, giving it more attention, so they can use it for other useless garbage, like a teapot museum (Im not making that up either.)

We've only been a planet of industry for a short period of time. I really don't know why some people refuse to think this is such a far fetched idea?

My wife was 100% AGAINST the idea that Global Warming was at all true, or even possible. Then we watched "An Inconvenient Truth." See it if you have not. It's not political debate, and not filled with opinions. It's scientific facts laid out in a way a child could understand it, and it's really eye opening.
What about the natural cycle of warming and cooling that has gone on for centuries? It gets warmer continually for a period of several years, then it cools down, then repeat.

Have you actually watched "An Inconvenient Truth"?!

Yes, there are natural warming & cooling cycles, but what's currently happening has never been as bad in hundreds of thousands of years....which includes a few of those cycles. Our current trend is SEVERAL times worse then it has been since as far back as modern science can go (440,000 years)!!! And if that's not far back enough for you, you're hopeless. :p :Smug:

Check this out!!!



And you can check out several more convincing graphs here:


And in the end, what this means is that we won't burn up because of global warming, but rather introduce another ice age...and you think winters are cold now....Ken! :lol: :heh:

See what you did! You got me up on a soap box ranting about this...again. :p

Trust me...I don't mean to sound like one of those quacks who preach that the end is near, but it's really a serious issue. Who knows...maybe it's cuz of all the doom bands on our lineup this year that has inspired me to think so many doom thoughts recently? :lol: ;)
How can any of us be pro or con when the scientists can't even come to an agreement? o_O

When have you ever seen any group of "intelligent" people agree on anything 100%?!?! Although, even on this topic, the majority agrees....even the most skeptic sources go as high as about 1/3 who disagree...and 2/3 do agree.

And I refuse to believe that just because someone is a "scientist", that means that they would be completely objective. Scientists can be greedy & proud fucks too!! There's obviously more attention given to those scientists who disagree with global warming...and given that most of the scientists in the world are brainy geeks (sorry...no disrespect intended...but it's true, no? Plus, I want my scientists to be brainy geeks ;)), many of them have probably grown up getting picked on & bullied. So now is their time to shine in the "limelight" and contradict a truly indisputable fact like global warming so the world would finally show them some attention...to off-set their feelings of insignificance. :lol: :p And I'm sure some are even getting financially rewarded quite well for their global treason. :Smug:

Sorry...another rant. :p It's just a topic where even the slightest skepticism pushes my buttons...especially when there is so much evidence to prove it's really happening. Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe 100% all of the predictions, but it IS indisputable that global warming is indeed happening & human activities ARE the principle cause!!


Here's a link to what I believe to be one of the more objective reports on the proportion of scientists who agree/disagree:


And here's a link to a site that certainly appears to try to debunk global warming...still shows a majority who agree:


Clearly a conservative/republican site...oh, but nonprofit. ;) :lol: :lol:
Oh, this isn't a political issue, but when a group doesn't agree with it, it's because they're conservatives. whatever

It's not a political issue, but certain groups make it one...that was my point with that comment. Because it's also become a political issue is why there is so much debate.

As long as the opposing political view creates the slightest doubt in anyone's mind, they have succeeded...it's really that simple.
Have you actually watched "An Inconvenient Truth"?!

Yes, there are natural warming & cooling cycles, but what's currently happening has never been as bad in hundreds of thousands of years....which includes a few of those cycles. Our current trend is SEVERAL times worse then it has been since as far back as modern science can go (440,000 years)!!! And if that's not far back enough for you, you're hopeless. :p :Smug:

Check this out!!!



And you can check out several more convincing graphs here:


And in the end, what this means is that we won't burn up because of global warming, but rather introduce another ice age...and you think winters are cold now....Ken! :lol: :heh:

See what you did! You got me up on a soap box ranting about this...again. :p

Trust me...I don't mean to sound like one of those quacks who preach that the end is near, but it's really a serious issue. Who knows...maybe it's cuz of all the doom bands on our lineup this year that has inspired me to think so many doom thoughts recently? :lol: ;)

maybe you should have booked more power metal acts and all you would have to worry is about is dragons attacking.
Yep, slightest doubt or a confirmation of one's own belief. Simple. :)

So you believe what's going on is just a naturally occuring event...and it was going to happen with or without human intervention...and it just so happens to be occuring now? Just curious.

Or are you saying that there are no significant climate changes happening at all?
And for the people who don't get it...Chicago just broke another heat record yesterday & will again today. :heh: :Smug: :rolleyes:

The temperature here has dropped over 30 degrees in the last half a day, and by Thursday the temperature is forecast to be 15 to 20 degrees below average.

Where's your global warming now, bitch?!?!?!?!?!?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha. Sorry for the above sentence, but I just couldn't resist using it. The point of it (and my smart ass crack in a post above) is the futility of using individual data points at a single location to try to advocate either for or against something that is all about long term global averages.

When the weather in Chicago is above normal like it was the last few days, somewhere either to our east or west, another area will be experiencing lower than normal temperatures. When the waves in the atmosphere are in a position to draw warmer air from the south up towards Chicago, causing high temps, somewhere to our left or right colder Arctic air will be getting drawn down, causing lower temps there. Yesterday, while Chicago (and Valpo!) were extra warm, Juneau Alaska was seven degrees below normal.

This has nothing to do with global warming, really, but about what really supports the idea and what doesn't.


That's quite a rant, Rob. :)

I have my own belief about the earth changes but I'm not ready to divulge that information publicly, since it's sort of based on intuition. A gut-feeling conclusion that I've reached after reading things from various sources. It's my conclusion for now anyway. Besides, my intuition means diddly squat in any serious scientific sense. Why bother with it? :p

So, on the surface what have we learned here? What I see are 2 sides in disagreement. Is that what you see? Thanks for the links. :loco: I can't spend a shitload of time and energy debating this issue because I don't have all the facts. I just have one quick question:

Can you enumerate the number and expound upon the exact nature of the human activities that are the principle cause?

That is all for now.

That's quite a rant, Rob. :)

I have my own belief about the earth changes but I'm not ready to divulge that information publicly, since it's sort of based on intuition. A gut-feeling conclusion that I've reached after reading things from various sources. It's my conclusion for now anyway. Besides, my intuition means diddly squat in any serious scientific sense. Why bother with it? :p

So, on the surface what have we learned here? What I see are 2 sides in disagreement. Is that what you see? Thanks for the links. :loco: I can't spend a shitload of time and energy debating this issue because I don't have all the facts. I just have one quick question:

Can you enumerate the number and expound upon the exact nature of the human activities that are the principle cause?

That is all for now.


Yeah...sorry for the rant...I can get worked up sometimes...and maybe I wouldn't care nearly as much if I didn't have kids, which makes me worry about what their world will be like due to all this bullshit!

Now I'm really curious...doesn't seem fair to me that you can play devil's advocate & slam all the findings for global warming when you're not willing to share your opinions on why you think it's all conjecture. Do you think people will make fun of you? Don't you think that I've put my neck out here with my opinions & risked the same? Trust me, you guys aren't the only ones giving me shit for talking about this stuff. :p

And I think I'm done discussing evidence for global warming...I'm sure nothing I'll say or provide will do any good to change your opinion...you've convinced me of that. The only generalization that I will give you though on the exact nature of human activities is this...the EXTREME increase of the burning of fossil fuels over the last 50+ years. And this is something that absolutely can NOT be denied...sorry.

OK...I think I'm done with discussing this topic on this forum...for good this time. ;)

If any of us are still around & talking to each other in the next 20 years (which I hope we are), maybe we can discuss then what has resulted from now until then. And I pray to GOD that I'm wrong about ALL of it!!!!

And hopefully by then, we'll also be getting together at Chicago Powerfest 2027 at the Allstate Arena...or whatever the fuck it'll be called by then...haha :kickass: