quote of the day

And how am i supposted to ride it and lick your dick at the SAME TIME?
You confuse me??!..go find yourself a whore, she'll understand it!!

And how am i supposted to ride it and lick your dick at the SAME TIME?
You confuse me??!..
Now fuck off and find yourself a whore, she'll understand it!!

this guy's location really stretches everything out and fucks the layout up. most of the time in threds this joker posts in it puts a little scroll bar at the bottom too becuase his location thing makes the box on the left that has everyones info just too damn big.
he could separate them with commas and then a space. that way it wouldnt be all one word and make the box all crazy heh. but thats a lot of effort i guess.
*don't tap so hard*!!
You almost made me spit out my tea, :lol: .
Hell, ever had that while brushing your teeth? That's horror!
Simone's fault, btw!! Happend a few weeks ago.
She said: " Iris, can you imagine what would happen if you
would choke, while swallowing sperm?"
Well, i showed it to her, that's for sure!!
I was sooo glad it was only toothpaste, whaha!!
:lol: Man, we can have so much fun together!!

That's an "operation mindcrime" to me, don't ask me to imagine things,
weird stuff slips into my mind then! :D

<---totally NOT streched. hehehee :D
and iris, you really gotta watch those pilates home videos. felxability is key when licking/riding.
i see you posted the same thing twice? lol
anywho, im gonna paint my face like immortal does today and go into walmart and buy some batteries for my gameboy.perhaps ill run into a decent chick and we'll share the batteries. who knows in this crazy little cleveland
fuckers. after spending 13 dollars on 20 batteries, i realize the extreme realization that batteries have been around for centuries, and are still the most fucking expensive thing known to man. and ive also came to the extreme realization that no one around here has heard immortal let alone dresses like them. bunch of fucktards i say. spending too much time in the mall of ours. such a pity. i can, however, finish megaman now -I-