R.I.P. Ted Kirkpatrick


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Ted Kirkpatrick, drummer and driving force behind Thrash Metal band Tourniquet, has passed away after a short battle with a lung disease. The news was shocking to me because he is not that old and was quite fit. Kirkpatrick is less known than he probably should be. He was the touring drummer for Trouble for a time in the late 80s before forming Tourniquet which released three very highly regarded Thrash albums in the early 90s. These albums showed a trend towards more technical, progressive, and classically-influenced playing over time. Ted was a highly admired and lauded drummer.

Here are a few sample tracks for those unfamiliar with Tourniquet. Stop the Bleeding was a grower for me but has become one of my top Thrash albums.

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