RAAA sexy new site

yeah clas snew site! seen osme of those Fan Art things?!?! Mad!! lovin the Lakis, Vic and Ed one that's a beast!!! They're all good actually! Wish I could draw! And new tabs!!! class!!! I just got my pot off too so I can finally lpay again after 10 weeks of not benig able!! :D
luvly 2c this site and ur smiling comments etc all shiney and new 4 th 1st time in what feels like yrs! th violet makes everything look electric and 54 hav always given me a buz, wel suited. th art work intruigues me, ther r sum hugely talented metallers out ther! wont be back in a while but hope evry1s kool and super! send me an email 4 chats tinkerbomb54@yahoo.com, madgirl its bin yonks! glove