Race War


Active Member
Apr 10, 2006
I’m not the kind of guy who is into politics or into that whole "hippies vs. nazis" game that goes on for ages already. I always considered it to be a pose for young people. A group to be in. An image and a decision. I’m the kind of person who is somewhere in the middle of that "spectrum" and tries to keep free mind. But many of 2011’s news headlines assured me that we really have a problem here.

The biggest concentration of gypsies is in the north of Czech. I sometimes take a bus or something to my cottage and it takes me through those cities. The difference is immediately recognizable. Big houses with like 100 of gypsies each. Some of them just sit outside and do nothing. Some of them go around and look at you, trying to start shit. I was always scared by them but they never attacked me personally. I know few people that were attacked by them and beat up, but this isn’t the thing that I want to talk about. This is, let’s say, normal. Minorities are cunts and they outnumber and attack people everywhere around the world.

But the thing gets political. (This may sound funny, but) I consider internet discussions under (not only relevant) news articles to be a nice way to see the current state of mind of people (even if it were just the simpler ones that get sucked in those discussions and hunt points in the rating system). Majority of czechs is, unfortunately, quite leftist. I’m not too fond of it and it helps only little that I realize those are mainly stupid village people. However, they are also very racist and they want to ACT against gypsies that suck our money on welfares and make babies and refuse to work. Which is a nice paradox and it puts the whole "hippies / nazis" scheme to reconsideration. It just didn’t make sense all the way from beginning. This is the new kind. The village people nazi commies.

Gypsies did the nazi part, our politicians did the commie part. Let’s talk about the former.

Some of nice examples of typical latest gypsy-minority behavior:

About three months back, an underage gypsy was playing VLTs in a bar in Nový Bor and when he wanted to withdraw the money, the bartender refused to give anything to him, because of his age. Few moments later a group of gypsies attacked the bar with machetes and hurt people. This may sound like a minor thing, but it makes people react.

Cities started refusing to give supplementary benefits to gypsies that arrive in a car (I love this move). The money is for food and supplies to survive, not to fund a fucking petrol for your SUV. Some gypsy woman was seen few weeks later after she got her money and called a taxi to go shopping. This is a thing that rightfully outrages people that work and get about the same amount of money (and LESS benefits for -often made absolutely free for poor gypsors- healthcare and such).

This week, gypsies were demanding benefit money that they didn’t deserve because they had been previously getting it for their crippled mother or something that they no longer cared about (they abandoned her). They were not given the money and later a group of those gypslez beat up the mayoress and her husband IN THEIR FUCKING HOME.

I love the quotes of politicians I see on the news after such a thing happens. Along the lines of "we didn’t know that this problem was our concern, now it looks like it is". I’m pretty fucking eager to see what you do about it bitch. This got to the point when openly hating a minority is considered RIGHT by majority.

The fact that you can’t control dark people and that you give them money to dwell and commit various crimes is well known. But now your followers and voters (fucking left-wing shitheads!!) agree on being racist and eager to act. And you can’t fucking control that either. This will lead into much worse situations than the ones that I described. Worse than riots that are happening. Worse than beating up a mayoress.
Racial tensions aside the solution to all of this shit in every country regardless of who the minority would be to simply eliminate handouts of all kinds. You can give people stuff for injustices of the past, but some will continue to bring it up decades if not centuries in the future. The only thing you can do is eliminate the injustice, deal with the whiners, and realize that a sizable portion will simply realize "the problem is fixed" and go on with their lives.
While few people will agree, I think in America we are post racist. That doesn't mean that there isn't social tension. It is now class warfare. I'm poor, but I can agree with a lot of the gripes against the poor. Luckily I don't fit the stereotype, but most poor Americans are intentionally ignorant, lewd, crass, parasitic, and violent. Of course, those above he poverty line are insensitive and authoritarian. We basically live in a world completely devoid of virtue and honor.
While few people will agree, I think in America we are post racist. That doesn't mean that there isn't social tension. It is now class warfare. I'm poor, but I can agree with a lot of the gripes against the poor. Luckily I don't fit the stereotype, but most poor Americans are intentionally ignorant, lewd, crass, parasitic, and violent. Of course, those above he poverty line are insensitive and authoritarian. We basically live in a world completely devoid of virtue and honor.

This fits my position and opinion to a tee.
While few people will agree, I think in America we are post racist. That doesn't mean that there isn't social tension. It is now class warfare. I'm poor, but I can agree with a lot of the gripes against the poor. Luckily I don't fit the stereotype, but most poor Americans are intentionally ignorant, lewd, crass, parasitic, and violent. Of course, those above he poverty line are insensitive and authoritarian. We basically live in a world completely devoid of virtue and honor.

Most poor Americans, or just the ones you know?

Personally, I also don't think most people above the poverty line are insensitive or authoritarian; in contrast, I think they are very sensitive, which is why I think they choose to willfully ignore the plight of the impoverished. They don't think less of them; in fact, thinking about them at all makes them think less of themselves. So they try not to think about them at all.

"Diversity" as a social initiative only assists the wealthy classes in ignoring class inequality.
Working class people like myself who enjoy fine art and culture are a rarity. I suppose a good portion of the upper crust are merely uncomfortable around the less affluent, but there is also a good portion who look down their nose at us.
My problem with socialism is it seems to attract freeloaders. It amazes me how Denmark seems to be managing to hold everything together while they give free money to immigrants that don't work. I think people shouldn't get tax-paid benefits unless they contribute. I know it may not be very egalitarian, but the line has to be drawn somewhere because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few in my opinion.
If you are contributing, why get benefits? Just everyone keep their money, and not waste it on pointless beaurocracy. On the flipside, of course socialism attracts freeloaders. You have two groups: Producers/consumers, and freeloaders/consumers. Why produce if you can freeload?
Perhaps instead of welfare there should be government temp jobs. No matter how small government gets (which I'd like to see), you still need people to answer phones, sweep floors, serve coffee, etc. Make these jobs strictly temporary and keep the wages and benefits low so people are driven into the private sector to become gainfully employed. That way Laquanda can get just enough to scrape by and learn the value of work. Also, knowing that she's only going to be allowed serve the governor coffee for 6 - 8 weeks is going to motivate her to go out and get a real job.
Seriously. While America may have racist people, at least we frown upon them. From what I've seen, Europe doesn't exactly do that, and people complain when people do.

My opinion may not be too accurate though, but it's just based on all of the rants I've heard from Scandinavians about the foreigners leaching off of their socialist benefits. I can understand disliking them for that, but there's also xenophobia in it, too. I remember someone on this board complaining about a Turkish mother not speaking to her own child in Swedish. Here, no one gives a shit what language you speak to your kid, but your kid better know how to speak English. Hell, in the town I live in, barely anyone non-white speaks to their kids in English, and no one so much as turns their head.
Perhaps instead of welfare there should be government temp jobs. No matter how small government gets (which I'd like to see), you still need people to answer phones, sweep floors, serve coffee, etc. Make these jobs strictly temporary and keep the wages and benefits low so people are driven into the private sector to become gainfully employed. That way Laquanda can get just enough to scrape by and learn the value of work. Also, knowing that she's only going to be allowed serve the governor coffee for 6 - 8 weeks is going to motivate her to go out and get a real job.

I think asking government to play a part in the social consciousness and motivation of peoples livelihood is troublesome and bad enough as it is. People will be hired to sweep floors and serve coffee regardless and the private sector will determine their value/wage, not government.
I see darks all the time buying shit with link cards and driving around in cars that are expensive as shit.
fat dark bitches with two kids buying snacks and shit from a small supermarket with a fucking link card.
all of this during the middle of the day, which means for the most part they are not working. smart

this shit about people getting free crap is annoying as hell. most of the time I try not to think about it, it's just easier that way.
Today’s news: Fucking nazis attacked a singer of my favourite czech band because she’s black. This shit makes me angry.