'Racecar' mix test. Need help improving my tone/mix!


New Metal Member
Sep 20, 2010
Sharjah/Dubai, UAE
Hey guys!
This is my first post on the Andy Sneap forums...
I'm quite the noob when it comes to recording and stuff like that, but I've been getting really interested in it quite recently.
I'd like you guys to check out a short mix I made of one of the riffs in Bulb/periphery's 'racecar', probably my favorite riff in the song.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11842515/Racecar test.mp3

Guitars are all DI, quad-tracked, and all the guitars follow a chain which goes something like this:

Guitar -> Zoom G2.1u (no effects, as a USB interface) -> TS's secret -> LePou's SoloC Preamp V2 -> KeFIR (with JJ powertube impulses) -> izotope ozone 4.

The bass guitar is just a pitch shifted guitar track running through BIG 1.0, a Framus impulse, and compressors, etc.

Drums are Addictive drums, and I just messed around with the settings and added an EQ after the VSTi in the chain.

DAW is Reaper, my guitar is a Carparelli JR-7 (with stock PU's).

I'm kinda new to recording DI tracks and I suck at EQ'ing, lol. So I'd like your opinions on how I can improve the clarity of the guitar tone, and the overall mix.

Whatcha guys think of the tone/mix? And how can I make it sound better?