Radial Reamping Pack


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
What do you guys think of this? How does it compare to the little labs redeye 3d? I'm looking to be able to re amp but also be able to split a guitar signal so one can be DI and the other can go to an amp while I record. So does this reamping pack allow me to do this? Looking at the specs it seems like it would. I know the redeye can do both with the same unit. What do you think?
Any DI will allow you to split the guitar so that you record DI and have the "THRU" going to the amp for monitoring with an amp like normal or POD, etc. The reamp is only for when you send the DI back out from your DAW for reamping. The units in the Radial pack are good, so is the Redeye, can't go wrong either way.
thanks a lot. Yeah I know about the reamp box and what it's used for but I just wanted to make sure about the DI box and being able to split the signal. What do you personally use for reamping btw?
I've had a J48 and XAmp and have a red eye (not 3d)

Note; had, and have.

DI: Red eye is marginally better, a little cleaner/clearer. Not much in it, the 48 is very good.

Reamp: Red eye kicks the shit out of the x-amp, which is pretty seriously under-gained.
Better to get Radial ProRMP instead of X-Amp and modify it to unity gain (original version have serious gain reduction, around 11 db, it seems that X-Amp has similar behaviour). And another thing, it seems that X-Amp have the same transformer on isolated output as in ProRMP (also this transformed is used in other Radial`s isolation products, Elytone YT-12243), so this output will have quality of ProRMP plus noise from active circuit :)
Modding of X-Amp is complicated because of active nature.
Or, maybe, it will be wiser to get new Radial JCR as successor of Cuniberti Reamp.
I had that kit.I've sold everything to buy Passive from the same company.
Active DI'S/REAMP sounds very compressed,the add color to the sound which is something i avoid.
Passive ones sounds much better for me.
Of course this is because i use Active pickups.But in general i recomment Passive