radio rock/punk....the fun begins (reamping crunchy tones)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just recording ths Alternative/rock/Punk band with just very slightly distorted tones....
Today is reamping day (I think I'll try MK4, 2203, JSX and perhaps Recto on orange)...also Marshall and Mesa box....ribbon mic and 201 I think, perhaps condensor...soooo many options but also so much fun ;)

what do you like best for these kinds of radio rock tones?

this is the band btw:
800 + mk4 i reckon.
Listen to some fat wreck chords punk bands... strung out are a goodun.
humour is definitely lost on Ze germans.


how dare you.... ive got a proper studio thank you

But seriously! Include the ptf
would be fun to play with
i'll upload all the tracks for you to mix if anyone is interested

Hey Lasse, these tracks are great. You did a fantastic job recording. I also appreciate you not including DI's. I think it's easy to get the impression from this forum that everyone records DI's which is pretty far from the truth.
On another note the 160 sounds awesome and I really want one now.
Hey Lasse, these tracks are great. You did a fantastic job recording. I also appreciate you not including DI's. I think it's easy to get the impression from this forum that everyone records DI's which is pretty far from the truth.
On another note the 160 sounds awesome and I really want one now.

yeah, IMO everyone SHOULD track DIs but it's not always the case unfortunately.
the m16 is kickass, it's not my favorite for fast highgain stuff, but it's the best mic for clean and midgain imo