Radio Show from the Nail is up


Jan 7, 2007
Check out and go to the "radio" tab to check out the show in flash. Or you can go here, to their Myspace and listen from there. I am listening now for the first time.
bwahahahahahahahahaha, they must have spent a good 5 hours editing this. Just cutting out the "Fuck you's" and the "Skull Fucks" alone must have taken a long ass time.
I think there is like 30 some different stations that broadcast it...... But you can listen on line, which is what we all did. If you go here, and then click on the "radio" tab on the left, you can listen to the whole interview (all 3 bands) in flash.
oh snap son!

We will probably be going on sometime between 11 and 12. I believe a band cancelled so the time is slightly in the air. BUT it pays to show up a little early because Mr. Millar's band kicks ass!

This is a 21 and up place but I will say this; People under 21, including myself a couple years back, have snuck in with ease before. If you wanna come, just let us know, we can try and sneak ya in the back door. Carry a drum or something, you will blend right in! But I would also have a "plan B" in case you don't make it it.