
Just a Kid at Heart
This was just posted on Rafi and Sevan Kirder's MySpace pages:

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Leaving Eluveitie / Ausstieg bei Eluveitie

Sevan and I decided to leave the band Eluveitie after 4 years activity. Our last concert will be held at bloodstock festival in England. This decision was not easy for us, since we were allowed to experience beautiful moments in all the years.

Unfortunately there have been several reasons and occurrences which forced us, to let the band continue without us. We're really sorry to bring you such bad news, but there are moments in life, where everyone must look to himself, we hope you'll understand. We want to say thank you, our fans, from our heart, for all the unforgettable times we had together, and wish the band all the best for the future.

Please respect, that we can't answer any questions concerning our exit (due personal reasons).

I, for one, think this is very sad news. Rafi and Sevan brought a shitload of talent, humor, and energy to the band -- especially live on stage.

This could be a major blow to Eluveitie. I wonder if it's even possible to replace those two? I'm sure their record label is crapping bricks right about now...
I love Eluveitie, they're one of my favorite bands. But if this means Sevan plays tin whistle over guitars that aren't shitty melo death I'm all for it.
Darn I hope they don't break up!!!11!!

Rafi and Sevan will be very hard to replace, I'm sure.

But the rest of the band has a lot of talent and energy, too.

It'll be interesting to see what both "factions" create in the years ahead. What will Eluveitie sound like on their next album? What will Rafi and Sevan do?

I really hate it when bands go through personnel changes. But, sometimes, the result is two bands worth listening to. I can think of Uncle Tupelo becoming Son Volt and Wilco, for example. (For all you alt country rock fans out there.) Or After Forever becoming After Forever and Epica. (For all you Goth metal fans out there.)

Time will tell.