RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE Bassist Once Again Says That He Doesn't Believe ISIS Is Real


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
According to The Pulse Of Radio, PROPHETS OF RAGE and RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE bassist Tim Commerford has once again said that he doesn't believe the terrorist organization ISIS actually exists. Commerford told Pancakes And Whiskey in a new interview: "I do not believe ISIS is real. I think there are terrorists, they do hate us — rightfully so, 'cause we're bombing their children and killing their families. They hate us and they want to cut our heads off. But are they united in a war room as ISIS, wearing the same uniform, taking orders from the ISIS general? No. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. I believe that they don't even know each other. They're separated, and some live in Berlin, some live in San Bernardino, some live in Paris. They're like-minded, but they're not together." Commerford, who calls himself a conspiracy theorist, added that he also questions the "Jihadi John" beheading videos that been released by ISIS, saying: "I believe that those are propaganda. They're high-definition. I could be wrong, but they seem fake to me. There’s nothing real. You can't see the knife cutting the neck off. The thing is, if you were a terrorist and you wanted to scare people, you'd show that." In addition to his current duties with PROPHETS OF RAGE, Commerford also plays in the hardcore band WAKRAT, who are preparing to release their debut album. PROPHETS OF RAGE, the rap/rock supergroup featuring the instrumental members of RAGE alongside PUBLIC ENEMY's Chuck D and CYPRESS HILL's B-Real, are currently No. 6 on the rock radio chart with the song "Prophets Of Rage", a semi-original tune that reworks portions of the PUBLIC ENEMY track of the same name. PROPHETS OF RAGE are on a headlining North American tour at the moment that brings them to Auburn, Washington on Saturday (September 10). WAKRAT is opening, with Commerford pulling double duty each night.

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