RAGE split with Mike Terrana


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
SickBoy alerted me of this in the Masterplan thread. So here's the official statement, and the guys are quick, the website doesn't have Mike's picture already!

Since a while there's rumours about Mike leaving RAGE, so now Peavy and Victor speak to the public: From now on we won't continue our colaboration with Mike because personal and musical differences that exist since a while, became unbearable. This cut is definitely not easy for us, but to avoid damage for RAGE, we have no other choice. Unfortunately there's not much left from our former unity, since a while, comunication between Mike and us broke down completely, so we have to pull the emergency brake. We decided to work with a new drummer in the future, because we don't want to ruin it all to a point, where's no future at all. We want to keep our power and joy in music, so there's no other way.
We are aware, how much this Line up meant to you (and us), but that's life. A band, especially a three-piece, is like a relationship. Over the years we just developed apart from each other. We wish Mike all the best for his further carreer.
Nevertheless, there's a bright perspective in front of us: We definitely won't cancel a single show and work intensely at the moment, to present you a suitable new drummer soon. We have lots of plans for the next year, among others we'll play some exclusive orchestra shows for you.
We hope you all keep the faith in the future and promise, to keep up with our quality level to 100% .
See ya soon!
Rage on!
Yours Peavy & Victor

It seems in the end the shifting of bands for Mike will be not that difficult :heh:

NP: Crescent Shield - 'North Of The Winter'
Terrana kicks ass on drums and has alot of stage presence. He can work anywhere. I'm sorry to see him leave Rage because I've adored the Peavy/Smolski/Terrana connection over the past few albums. But that's life. Whoever the new drummer is, he'll be going to a clinic just to learn the nuances that Terrana performed on the past few albums. If he can do that, he's worthy of playing on the next studio record.
He put on one helluva solo at PPIV. I'm not much on solos at all but that was one of the few that I really enjoyed. It did go a bit long but I still enjoyed it.
Terrana kicks ass on drums and has alot of stage presence. He can work anywhere. I'm sorry to see him leave Rage because I've adored the Peavy/Smolski/Terrana connection over the past few albums. But that's life. Whoever the new drummer is, he'll be going to a clinic just to learn the nuances that Terrana performed on the past few albums. If he can do that, he's worthy of playing on the next studio record.

Dito that, I'm alittle sad for his departure from rage. But as old as I am you get use to these changes...:)
Terrana is a mercenary, that's not so surprising seeing him going from a band to another (even though he has been with Axel Rudi Pell for a few years now).

Anyway, RAGE history has always been full of line-up changes and Peavy has always used it to refresh RAGE identity, that's why I'm confident :) It might even be for the better.
Many hail Soundchaser and Unity as absolutely best Rage outputs ever...
I agree, but to a degree - my opinion is that it's the best for one of many band's phases. As are Perfect Man for 80s, The Missing Link for 90s (trio lineup), End Of All Days for 90s (quartet lineup) and XIII for orchestral phase.
The thing for which I respect them the most is that they've managed to mantain their band personality through all the style and lineup changes and excelled in each of them! :notworthy
Wyvern said:
It seems in the end the shifting of bands for Mike will be not that difficult :heh:

NP: Crescent Shield - 'North Of The Winter'

Having talked to Mike for over an hour Saturday morning during breakfast, I can tell you that this is not true. Mike is a very nice and thoughtful person

And after seeing him interacting with a lot of different people for two days I have come to respect the guy.

Most of the time leaving a band is not an easy decision and I know it was not for Mike.
Come on now, Fang. How much better can Rage really get? If they do get better than Soundchaser and Unity, I'm afraid I'll lose my virginity. :p
You have a point my friend.
Still, let's take a look at Rage history : they started playing typical german speed metal band during the 80's, then became an energetic power trio in the late 80's/early 90's, before switching to the massive thrashy power metal of the 90's, then again the symphonic records, and at last the proggy monster as we know them now.
All these different periods make Rage's catalog interesting and they all had a different line-up.
Rage is basically lead by one person (like Megadeth, Annihilator, Iced Earth...), ok maybe two now, but I feel that personel changes bring some fresh blood to the band, I don't have a problem with that for a few bands like Rage.
I'm pretty sure it's an opportunity for Peavy not to repeat himself while keeping the Rage touch, in order to open a worthwhile new chapter of Rage history.
Having talked to Mike for over an hour Saturday morning during breakfast, I can tell you that this is not true. Mike is a very nice and thoughtful person

And after seeing him interacting with a lot of different people for two days I have come to respect the guy.

Most of the time leaving a band is not an easy decision and I know it was not for Mike.

I may misexplained myself. I was saying that since Rage already dismissed him then switching to masterplan was not as difficult as when you're in good terms with your workmates/job and suddenly decide to change job.

In my personnal case everytime I had changed jobs I came to a point when I was totally annoyed by my current one but a new one didn't appear and thus I didn't want to be left unemployed out of desperation. When opportunity knoced I of course left the previous one and took a new path.

If Mike had been confortable in Rage most probably won't even thought about joining Masterplan, I guess destiny knocked at his door in the right moment.

NP: Horcas - 'Amargo Sabor'