Rage =The best band ever

Androz said:
+1 to the "rage rules" :D

But +1 what? That makes no sense.
Jax said:
But +1 what? That makes no sense.

Must be some freaky way of saying me too, or me 2 or I agree.

Either that or people are just too lazy to take the extra time to say I agree and then say why. Obviously a +1 comment adds so much to the discussion ;)

Oh that explains a lot, thanks Matt. Let's leave that crap over on those forums, 'kay folks? Thanks ever so much.

And yeah, Glenn, it's reminiscent of the people who quote 5 paragraphs of a mailing list post to respond with "me too".
savabich2 said:
I've heard good things about them, kind of Rush inspired right?

Eh, its definitely an influence to some extent but they don't sound anything like Rush (aside from being a trio where the bassist sings...and you couldn't be at more opposite ends of the spectrum than Geddy and Peavy's singing styles either, at least Peavy from Black in Mind onwards).

Rage are very thrash oriented powermetal, with emphesis on heaviness, musicianship and very strong melodies (and in recent years a slight progressive touch), and a distinct lack of the swords n sorcery image and silly prozac-laiden sing songy-ness of most of whats considered "powermetal". They are vets of the scene, existing for just over 20 years now. Their current lineup is their most technically adept, with Mike Terrana on drums and shredder Victor Smolski on guitar. Peavy Wagner is the singer/bassist and the only original member. They were the first metal band to do a full fledged tour with an orchestra (a few years before Metallica ever did S&M).

I HIGHLY reccomend the "Unity" album, as its their most solid album with their current lineup. Black in Mind, The Missing Link, and XIII are also classics. A good starting point might also be the new live album "From the Cradle to the Stage" as they play at least one song from all but two of their 17-album catalog.