Ragnarokkr 2014 - Second Stage : Skeptor


Sep 30, 2005
From the LA area...thrash act Skeptor are the next act to play the second stage. This new act just released their first CD this past week as well entitled "United We Stand Together We Fall". This will be their first show out of the LA area as well!

check em out...

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I am really excited for these guys. They are super excited about playing the fest. Just put out their debut CD. Looking to put on a great show as well. They sold a bunch of CD's right away when they were announced. By the way....another thrash act will soon be announced as well for second stage!
I hope by thrash we are talkin some old school Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nope...that won't happen either. I think people forget...getting old bands back it a tough thing and cost more than it is worth. The day the fest sells out every year and there is money to spend..then maybe.

I read an article with one of the guys in Cirith Ungol...he basically said has hasn't played in 20 years. He doesn't even own an instrument anymore. So he would have to buy one...practice and learn it...then set up times to practice as a band again. the show would never live up to what people want.

I think it would be cool to see some more of the classic Chicago bands play but in reality it isn't going to happen.
I think it would be cool to see some more of the classic Chicago bands play but in reality it isn't going to happen.

Kind of surprised to hear you say that, considering the number of Chicago bands who have reformed in the past 5 years or so.

I think if fans contact these guys and they get asked for shows or reissues, it could spark some fire within some of the band members.
Kind of surprised to hear you say that, considering the number of Chicago bands who have reformed in the past 5 years or so.

I think if fans contact these guys and they get asked for shows or reissues, it could spark some fire within some of the band members.

if you knew how long and talking to just to get Tyrant's Reign onboard you would be stunned. And these are guys who still play in bands.

You would also be shocked on how many bands turn down reissue offers or just don't want to deal with it anymore.
Lol - Thanks Bobby for enlighting me on how it works.

Sure, there will always be bands who will make reuniting difficult, and all for various reasons (IE - $$$, hate the band members, haven't touched a guitar in years, etc, etc....)

Just saying there are many bands I have spoken to who only recently have discovered the demand for their band (IE - Squadron, War Cry, etc)