Ragnarokkr 2015: SALEM'S WYCH


Sep 30, 2005
From Odin's facebook post....

After 3 long years of trying, I have achieved one of the original goals set way back when the very first band list was made for this fest. I am proud to say......the almighty SALEM'S WYCH if finally confirmed for Ragnarökkr Metal Apocalypse!!!!

If that wasn't enough, there's more.... It is still a year away, and we all know delays can happen or plans can change, but as it stands now, the previously unreleased album and the new album (being recorded in the late winter next year) are scheduled to be released at the pre-party!!!

Not too bad actually.
Will fit in just fine at the fest I would think.

Was doing some reseach on them.
Apparently a good majority of their original pressings were burned as they lived in the Bible Belt.
That's what I thought as well, so I did a little research.

Parts of Western Michican are considered the Bible Belt, due to a strong Dutch Reformed Church presence.
That's what I thought as well, so I did a little research.

Parts of Western Michican are considered the Bible Belt, due to a strong Dutch Reformed Church presence.

I was just suggesting it sounds made up like a lame attempt to build some kind of story behind the band. Come on seriously, I doubt this band made too many people's radar.
Well yeah, who's not?
Come on this bvand has every thing to give cool underground kvlt people a woody; one album from the mid-80s, on a small indie label, from the U.S., barely anything known about them back then or now. Oh and there is that cool story about their albums being burned. Let's not forget that attempt at a comeback, a true Anvil story there. :lol:
Honestly it is not a bad album, I have it myself. But will this band be any good? Have they not been active all these years and just putting something together now for this fest? If that is the case well I would not exspect much myself, but surprises do happen.
Well yeah, who's not?
Come on this bvand has every thing to give cool underground kvlt people a woody; one album from the mid-80s, on a small indie label, from the U.S., barely anything known about them back then or now. Oh and there is that cool story about their albums being burned. Let's not forget that attempt at a comeback, a true Anvil story there. :lol:
Honestly it is not a bad album, I have it myself. But will this band be any good? Have they not been active all these years and just putting something together now for this fest? If that is the case well I would not exspect much myself, but surprises do happen.

The only thing i know about their activity is they reformed years ago and were going to be back and rocking, reissue the album and whatnot. Then the singer died and the plans all went to shit.
Yeah, I know what you mean Jeremy,
But let's be honest.
Discovering obscure bands from the 80's is a big part of the current new breed of underground metal fans. The web has made it possible for many bands to have a career again. Without it, more and more bands would go even further deeper into obscurity.

OVerall it is a cool thing, but yeah, it does give rise to a lot of bands performing again who aren't truly ready for it.

I have heard of a lot of bands who reform to play MAJOR festivals even though the majority of members haven't touched their instrument in 15 to 20 years.

Though for Ragnarokkr, it is perfect.
I really like the formula that has been working well the past two years:
- Known headliners (Omen, Oz, Riot, Reaper)
- Chicago classic bands (Winterhawk, Amulance, Tyrants Reign, Slauter X, Damien Thorne, etc)
- Obscure bands (Ashbury, Crowhaven)
- New Blood (Night Demon, Borrowed Time, Axxion, etc, etc)