Rammsteins new cd single "Amerika"


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
Controversy anyone?...
After you watch and hear the video
you'd think their being anti-american
but read these lyrics..

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

When we dance I want to lead
when you turn yourself around alone
let us control you a bit
I'll show you how to walk right

We create a lovely round dance
the freedom plays from all violins
music comes from the White House
and in front of Paris stands Mickey Mouse

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

I know the very useful steps
and I will protect you from missteps
and who does not want to dance at the end
does not know that he must dance

We create a lovely round dance
I will show you the direction
to Africa comes Santa Claus
and in front of Paris stands Mickey Mouse

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

We're all living in America
Coca Cola, Wonderbra
we're all living in America

This is not a love song
this is not a love song
I don't sing my mother tongue
no, this is not a love song

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

We're all living in America
Coca Cola, sometimes war
we're all living in America

Go here
to see the music video
Looks pretty anti-American to me (by the lyrics). They seem to imply that America is trying to force its culture on every other country.

Doesn't bother me much either way, Rammstein sucks. Just an observation.
Nah I didn't listen to it. I heard them way back in the day, had a kinda catchy chop-along sound.... which got slightly less catchy when every song had the same riff.... I got real tired of them in a hurry.
Haha, they changed , after sehnsucht, they went into emotion shit, but not "emo"
their album "Mutter" was okay, i liked the videos for "Ich will" and "Sonne"
I'm german, we's got's to represent. haha, the video was awesome mostly.
Their old video sucked, especially "Du Hast".. now they got special effects teams, and more money.. Well i'm tired, Tschau.
I actually liked the song, and I like Rammstein they are good. Haven't seen the music video yet though, I'll check it out.
The only thing I can remember by name from them was a song called "Eifersucht", I believe... I first heard them a while before that came out but that's all I remember by name.
Quality of life isn't as grande or anything here because you make less money in Italy, but you don't have to worry about serious crime, you don't have all this pressure to work yourself into a mid-life crisis, and Italians value happiness over success. It's just my kind of mindset. Very relaxed and laid back. That's what I've gathered from travelling all across Europe, not just Italy. Also, laws in America are just so fucking stupid. It's more strict in Italy if you get caught, but Italians don't really mind about inflicting harm upon other people...unlike the nazi-type police we have in America.
ok are you an Italian that lived in the usa? I like Ireland as we don't have 'clone cities' like they have in the Usa - you know every place has 100's of mcdonalds, walmarts, 7-11's etc. I like the individuality that each town in Ireland has. Within 20 miles the accent changes completely. But yes the Americans make much more money than we do but I don't want to work for 80 hour weeks. I am happy with my 37.5 hours.
No, I'm 100% American...and like you, I like the individuality of European cities. I'm in the military, which is why I'm here in the first place, but I soon separate and intend to remain here.
rammsteins is awesome
the new cd id awesome
and the specific song you're talking about is so true and damm good in every..single..way

Hmm.. The idea of the video is nice, but to be honest: I don't care.. Some of their songs are ok, some are not good .. *shrugs*

And about Amerika: Sometimes I'm really shocked .. I don't hate the US or something but sometimes I really think "WTF is going on there?" ..
Anyone seen the film "SuperSize Me"? It's damn frightening ..
Yeah I seen it a few days ago. I always hated American fastfood 'eateries' as they close down local businesses that actually serve real and good food.