Random Anal Death.

man, I just puckered up after reading that

I'm sitting on such a chair as I ADRRSDDHWTHTHEDWTHDYJYJHHJHKU!U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ogfifdigfojfd;joaojhfhdifdijiliuugdhghh l'hl'hllhklsghlkzhlkjgsd

Suddenly I feel the need to carry a phonebook with me to sit on wherever I go in case I end up in one of those chairs :erk:
I thought this was something to do with Vlad Dracula (better known as Vlad the impaler). However sitting on a similar chair i am far more concerned, thanks to you every time i sit at my computer i'm going to live in constant fear.
Sigh... add it to the list of things to be afraid of:

blacks, terrorists, david icke, wardrobes, dogs, aids, flu viruses, windows, buttplugs, and chairs.
Because the short article says why.

The “killer chair” [see picture above] was a common gas-cylinder-based office chair. Most chairs on the market today use gas cylinders and most are created in China.
Back in 2007, a similar incident lead to a metal part being forced into the rear of a 68-year-old man but luckily he survived the ordeal

Ok, it doesn't explain why exactly...