random idiotic video of the day: my dog loves bananas

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
seriously, she's crazy for bananas (she usually gets the last bit after I ate one)....watching me eat it is making her drool like crazy...I could stretch it out for 10 mins and have an entire bowl of dog saliva...yummi (you'll probably have to zoom in a bit to see it dripping from her snout)

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dogs are awesome :lol:

But are you sure she didn't see all your awesome amps and cabs at once, then started drooling?
Haha reminds me of our dogs. They're absolutely crazy about peanut flips. Just as I grab the bag and they hear it they stand right behind me. Looking with those crazy eyes :D
I'm in love with dogs I wish I could have one !

Mine (my father's), kind of a labrador mixed with something a little bit tinier, has a special love for getting the end of the morning bowl with milk still inside. When she drinks milk you can see she's sucking it rather than normally drinking it, it must remind her some memories from when she was a puppy. And she drools like crazy when she sees us drinking the bowl and we give her the end and a little treat like a biscuit inside if there is nothing else there. She's so cute :)
Hahaha, my border collie is like this. I literally can't eat any food without her coming up and begging for some :lol: She does this thing where she puts her head in your lap and whines a bit, it's so cute :p
Thats an awesome looking dog, had one like that when i was kid, sadly he managed to climb over my neighbors wall while chained up and hung himself. Someday, I will have another one like him...someday....