Random theological stuff - moved from Q about God


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors

The fallacy in this is that it is somehow God's fault for human decisions. You have the option to do good, but if you do not exercise that option, somehow it is malevolence on Gods part? :rolleyes: If we were all walking around as holy automatons, then we might as well be angels, and there would be no need for our creation.
WTF...Why did you remove my posts? Am i not allowed to express what i think?..

The fallacy in this is that it is somehow God's fault for human decisions. You have the option to do good, but if you do not exercise that option, somehow it is malevolence on Gods part? :rolleyes: If we were all walking around as holy automatons, then we might as well be angels, and there would be no need for our creation.
That makes no sense dude.
If you go out an commit murder, it isn't "God's fault", or "malevolence" on God's part for not stopping you.
I don't know who the moderator is..But stop removing my pictures?
Also Dakryn, It's kind of god's fault in a way (Most criminals, is indeed relgious in some way, so it's Religion itself's fault, which means indirectly, it is gods fault. What i find so retarded with Christianity i'll tell you. Let's say i'm an atheist, i rape, murder, steal and all those things, But then i become a christian, i ask for forgiveness and it's all NP. That's how god works according to the christians & the bible. Also, since Adam & Eve was white, where did black people originate from? And one more question.
How can god create earth in 6 days, when time didn't even exist? How can he work by *time* if *time* doesn't even exist?!?! There is so many flaws, your argument that ''Nothing came from nothing'' is way more believable than that a invisble magic being
which is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresence, omnibelevolent and has existed for all eternity..Yea.....right.
And if your using the ''watchmaker argument'' that all designs needs to have a designer, then which is Gods designer,
Saying that he's eternal and has always existed, is not an answer, it's self-refuting. It's weird how he's not bound by time, but he works in time (When time didn't exist) These are things that makes the bible nothing more than a fictional story/fairytale.
And i mean, if God created us all and gave us free will, Why do we need to praise him? I find no need praising something that there is NO evidence WHATSOEVER of his existence. If he wants to be praised, he should show his existence in some way.
If i ask you a simple question: If you believe in god, why don't you believe in the existence of Harry Potter, or even unicorns?
And also many christians use the Bible as source of proof for God, which is just..laughable. It's a fu***** book, not scientific evidence. And i don't understand how people doesn't ''believe'' in evolution when it's already proven to be true? Seriously christians, do some research before speaking about things you don't know shit about. This may seem hateful towards christians..But i can't stand most of them.
Attacking my beliefs (which you don't know) and attacking Christianity are two different things.
Also lol @ Adam and Eve were white.

The only thing that I agree with out of that post is that religion is responsible for many of the crimes in history. But religion =/= God. Religion is mans attempt to use God for his own gain.
Also Dakryn, It's kind of god's fault in a way (Most criminals, is indeed relgious in some way, so it's Religion itself's fault, which means indirectly, it is gods fault.

It is just human nature to commit heinous crimes and not take responsibility for their actions.

Crimes commited by sociopaths should not be blamed on a god, the fact that crimes have been commited by people in the name of god is just incidental.
I pretty much have similiar position to krofius, but I have NO problem what so ever with "Christians", as a average whole I find them more decent and respectable than those athesists that believe "life is all "about me" screw everyone else, I'll mow you down to get what I want"... not to claim that plenty of self proclaimed believers do not behave this way, but they are self proclaimed, not what I believe is a true Christian. There are many in my extended family as well as that other belief I just mentioned.

How come those understanding Christianity have not mentioned that "God gave us free will", as the reason why he does not intervene with human faults of temptation, greed, corruption ? This is the reason always explained to me when I have asked and is suppose to be the moral of the story of Adam and Eve....

just sayin
It is just human nature to commit heinous crimes and not take responsibility for their actions.

Crimes commited by sociopaths should not be blamed on a god, the fact that crimes have been commited by people in the name of god is just incidental.
Sorry if i disrespected you Christians, and yeah i know it's humans choice to do good or evil but what i meant was, If people didn't have religions, and believing in gods, Then there wouldn't be as much crimes, im sure of that.
I pretty much have similiar position to krofius, but I have NO problem what so ever with "Christians", as a average whole I find them more decent and respectable than those athesists that believe "life is all "about me" screw everyone else, I'll mow you down to get what I want"... not to claim that plenty of self proclaimed believers do not behave this way, but they are self proclaimed, not what I believe is a true Christian. There are many in my extended family as well as that other belief I just mentioned.

How come those understanding Christianity have not mentioned that "God gave us free will", as the reason why he does not intervene with human faults of temptation, greed, corruption ? This is the reason always explained to me when I have asked and is suppose to be the moral of the story of Adam and Eve....

just sayin

Yeah well..The hatred Atheists have against Christians is nowhere near the hatred Christians have for Atheists..Also the thing that all Atheists is like that..Very very not true..VERY small minority is like that, while on the other hand pretty many Christians are extreme, and many take the bible literally, We all know how fucked up USA is. Let me give you an example of why Religion just sucks.Ah damn the video was taking down, however, it was a guy showing statistics of USA's all state, how many percentages of the people in the states that were going to church, and it was proven that for example the one with the lowest church attendance, like 25% had the least killings,robbery etc, and same with vice versa.
Attacking my beliefs (which you don't know) and attacking Christianity are two different things.
Also lol @ Adam and Eve were white.

The only thing that I agree with out of that post is that religion is responsible for many of the crimes in history. But religion =/= God. Religion is mans attempt to use God for his own gain.
What's lol that Adam and Eve were white, They WERE white. If they were blacks, where did white come from? However, they cannot have been one white and one black since Eve was created from Adam's ribbones...Bible fails already in the first genesis or whatever it is. That's sad.
Sorry if i disrespected you Christians, and yeah i know it's humans choice to do good or evil but what i meant was, If people didn't have religions, and believing in gods, Then there wouldn't be as much crimes, im sure of that.

I'm not a christian, i'm probably as much an atheist or more than you'll ever be. I'm giving you just basic knowledge of how sociopathic behavior works and i'm sure you can understand this.

Ever seen how when someone does a bad deed they will always blame it on someone else or something just to excuse themselves from what they did?

What's lol that Adam and Eve were white, They WERE white. If they were blacks, where did white come from? However, they cannot have been one white and one black since Eve was created from Adam's ribbones...Bible fails already in the first genesis or whatever it is. That's sad.

He means they were not white as in Aryan or caucasian descent, which is true based on studies I vaguely remember.
I'm not a christian, i'm probably as much an atheist or more than you'll ever be. I'm giving you just basic knowledge of how sociopathic behavior works and i'm sure you can understand this.

Ever seen how when someone does a bad deed they will always blame it on someone else or something just to excuse themselves from what they did?

He means they were not white as in Aryan or caucasian descent, which is true based on studies I vaguely remember.
Either way my point still makes it clear. Btw Which studys? Never heard of anything like that. Both Adam & Eve were the the same color, either white or black, so in some way the other one came from somewhere. And since the bible don't explain that, it clearly, FAILS hard. That is just one, of maaaany many many flaws with the bible.
One of the reasons i hate christians is for example that all metal is ''Devils work'', many people really think so, and in the 70/80's when it came, then whole media thought so, not only christians. I respect people who believe that the world came into being by a God, But i don't respect people who thinks that the Bible is good..
Most fail argument ever that christians use is like..Where does atheists get their morals from..Like, DOH??
Yea since if they wouldn't have been raised christians, they wouldn't know killing or stealing is wrong..yea right.
And i also hate Americans for that some schools seriously wants to TEACH the bible, wtf is that really, it's a THEORY, but some schools in america seriously teaches the children the ''word of god''. That's what i really don't like about America, they force beliefs down childrens throats, free will my ass.
Either way my point still makes it clear.

Still an erroneous one I might add. This is just the same logic christians use against ''satanism'', albeit backwards. Read the Lanning Report on occult crimes for further reference.

Btw Which studys? Never heard of anything like that.

I can't pinpoint you exactly 'cause this was something I heard ages ago (back when I was starting high school). I do remember they were done to verify the general idea of christians that Adam and Eve were white, the conclusion they came upon with was that Adam and Eve were probably of Arabic descent. If someone has the exact knowledge feel free to correct me.
Still an erroneous one I might add. This is just the same logic christians use against ''satanism'', albeit backwards. Read the Lanning Report on occult crimes for further reference.

I can't pinpoint you exactly 'cause this was something I heard ages ago (back when I was starting high school). I do remember they were done to verify the general idea of christians that Adam and Eve were white, the conclusion they came upon with was that Adam and Eve were probably of Arabic descent. If someone has the exact knowledge feel free to correct me.
Yes I will gladly correct you :) They can't have been of any descent, since they were the first humans. Or well, Adam was. So okay, let's say god made Adam (which was an Arab) then he withdrew Adam's ribbones and created Eve, which was also an Arab then. Then where and when did white people start to be born? It's impossible. And also i STRONGLY doubt that anyone could figure out if Adam & Eve was arabic, how could they? No trace or evidence of their existence even, except the bible (Which is not countable as evidence even)
You can gladly show me the evidence of 1.That Adam & Eve were Arabs (Another question is, since they were the first people, how could they even be Arabic, when being Arabic didn't even exist?
Yea sure ''god'' maybe told them they were Arabic, but theres no scripture that says that. And then 2.Show me the evidence of how white people came to be produced.
Yes I will gladly correct you :) They can't have been of any descent, since they were the first humans. Or well, Adam was. So okay, let's say god made Adam (which was an Arab) then he withdrew Adam's ribbones and created Eve, which was also an Arab then. Then where and when did white people start to be born? It's impossible

It is not an unconceivable possibility that the first humans roaming this earth were of one race and then everything started to evolve from there, mind you. Even so, I do agree that the general acceptance of Adam and Eve being loners at one time it is highly unlikely.

[It's impossible. And also i STRONGLY doubt that anyone could figure out if Adam & Eve was arabic, how could they? No trace or evidence of their existence even, except the bible (Which is not countable as evidence even)

Genetics and anthropology my friend.
You can gladly show me the evidence of 1.That Adam & Eve were Arabs (Another question is, since they were the first people, how could they even be Arabic, when being Arabic didn't even exist?

Care to elaborate on this? you sure do seem to know what race were they for a fact, spread the knowledge.
And then if i may go back to why religion truly sucks, my example would be Islam. We all know all suicide bombers, were muslims (99% atleast)And they believed that they would get to Paradise, by blowing up themselves and killing others apparently.
9/11 was because of Islam (Or it was an inside government job)
You know what the penalty for apostasy (leaving your religion) in Islam is? It's death penalty. And i love that in Islam, Men come first, women come second. It's also nice that the Prophet Muhammed was a pedophile (It sums up how ''good'' Islam is)
Not all relgious people is insane, but the majority sadly is.