Randy Blythe supports a COBHC tattoo!!!


† Fuck You Very Much †
Dec 24, 2005
I was just watching Lamb Of God on the Download Festival 2007 highlights and I noticed something. I flicked back and I was right. Randy has "COBHC" tattoo'd across his left forearm. I even googled it just to make sure it wasn't something else but it is.



Just thought that it was cool. :kickass:
Are you kidding me? That's fucking awsome! It's nice to know LOG support COB so much as to get a tattoo! NExt thing you know, Randy might be a guest on a COB song.
Thats awsome! I saw Children of Bodom and Lamb of God live last year at the Unholy Alliance tour in Vancouver,BC. I think that might have something to do with it. Maybe during the tour they got to be good friends so Randy got a CoB Tattoo? Just a guess.
That is so cool!! And yup you're probably right, there's big chances he got it during the unholy alliance tour. And Warheart, i can't believe you actually spotted that!!Awesome.
It's nearly a certainty that he got it around the Unholy Alliance tour, yeah. COB are even on LOG's Killadelphia DVD which was about a year or two before the UA so they knew each other back then.